21 - Get along

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Ainsley liked to have power over Ian. It gave her confidence. She refused to be a whining relationship girl, so when he told her she was busy on Saturday night she stopped by Rhys' desk.

"Sorry, hun, we're going out with Terry's work friends and before you ask, none are single."

"I wasn't asking."

Rhys laughed. "You always ask. Tell me about this week's dates."

"I didn't go on any. I can't believe Lilli didn't call you."

"Why?" Rhys walked away from his drawing table. "To tell me you're having sex with a hotty, you won't tell her about."

"What's to tell we aren't serious? My story only mirrors Lilli because I lusted him before we ever spoke. There will be no 'I do' in my future."

"What's with you and marriage?"

"It's unnecessary. Besides, you aren't copying our newlyweds."

"We're happy being uncles to the brood from Terry's siblings."

"See you think like me. Marriage is for kids. I'm not meant to push booger faced kids out of my body."

Rhys chortled. "You are full of crap. You like kids!"

"Yeah, someone else's who I can wind up and give back. You like them too?"

"I love kids, but adoption or surrogacy doesn't interest me. Maybe when I grow up."

"You're thirty-two."

"I know. Talk to me at forty. Terry has enough kids without wanting his own."

"See we're not that different. It's a double standard because I'm not gay."

Rhys shook his head. "There's a difference. You fear commitment; Terry and I are a couple without the legal document."

"But lots of people fought for your right to marry. You're letting them down." Ainsley dug in her heels.

"It's an option if we want it, but for now we're happy."

"Fine. For now, I'm happy having great sex."

"Great! Good for you." Ainsley smiled thinking of the night before. "Get out of the bedroom, girlfriend."

"Maybe I'll see what Lilli's doing."

"They're going to Maine."

Zach and Lilli rarely stayed home on the weekend. Ainsley would binge something and enjoy her unencumbered life.

When she returned to her desk. Henry had a huge smile, as he said, "Catrina was looking for you."

Her boss didn't hold a tight rein. The department was full of professionals. Plus, Ainsley had eaten at her desk while Henry disappeared for an hour. She couldn't remember the last time she took a full hour.

She resisted the urge to stick out her tongue at him as she walked to Catrina's office. "Ainsley, hi. Henry didn't have the details on the arrangements for the Gibbons media blitz."

"I have an update almost ready to send. I was waiting to hear from advertising."

"Sounds like you're on it."

She nodded. "I do my best."

Catrina smiled. "I have to leave early, and I trust you and Henry can get along in my absence."

"I try. Honestly, I do."

When she returned to her desk. Henry and Nina were talking to Rachel, who was Catrina's young assistant. At Roche-Sumner most employees started in the entry level assistant position. Ainsley had and did her best to mentor Rachel.

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