35 - Stronger

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Ainsley's plan had been working perfectly. It may have been contrived, but helping her coworkers wasn't unusual for her. The best part was Henry didn't notice what she was doing, but Catrina did.

When she received the email about meeting with Eric, it surprised her. Catrina hadn't said it would be right away. She planned to see Ian after he returned from climbing; she missed him. Her friends would laugh at her if she admitted it to them.

Her intent was to leave as soon as Henry walked away, but he was slow to shut down. She was jotting down some sales figures when Henry appeared next to desk.

"Goodnight." She waved without looking up.

"Did you get an email?"

"Uh huh."

"No hurt feelings right?" She looked up to see his grin.

"Same goes for you when she picks me." Ainsley lifted her chin.

"You are so dedicated, but I have the experience."

"Because I have been twiddling my thumbs the last decade. You are so cocky."

"If you say so, but Eric is a director and I have a friend who's a director too. He's related to the Sumners. He'll put a word in for me."

"Related to the Sumners, you say? I'm related to the Sumners." She bit her tongue.

"Haha. Funny. You make things up. I'm all set thanks to Ian."


"Yup, director of IT. Don't worry. I'll be a great boss."

"Ian?" She looked at Henry's smiling face. "Bastard! You and your director," she spat. "Both of you can go to hell."

"Relax. Who knew you were a poor loser? Later. I'm off to my gym."

Ainsley sat frozen as she comprehended what he said. Ian. Her Ian was helping the jerk. Her Ian and Henry. Friends. How could that be?

When the first tear leaked, she had to get out. Ainsley ordered an Uber. She couldn't sit on the train crying. As she watched the city go by, a question formed. Why didn't he tell her? He should have told her when they met. I know your coworker. How hard was that? She would have told him how much of a jerk Henry was and make him choose. But he f'ing chose, and it wasn't her. He wasn't on her team, because he was helping Henry.

How stupid am I?

She didn't breathe until she was safe inside her apartment. Her apartment. She loved her apartment. She loved having the bastard in her apartment. How could she love it with a traitor on the second floor? She let her mother meet him. Her mother, who hates everyone, liked him. Carolyn Douglas liked the bastard. How could she tell her mother?

She jumped when the knocking started, but she hugged her legs and covered her ears to block out his lies. All lies. The voice that whispered in her ear. She squeezed her eyes shut. Lies all lies.

Stupid, she was so stupid. All her friends liked him. He was their friend, and she met his family. As the knocking stopped, her tears broke free. Her chest constricted, and she gasped for air. Humiliation. How could she face anyone ever again?

There was no way she was going to roll over and let the jerk take her job. Ainsley worked so hard to be recognized. She would impress Catrina and Eric. Then she would find a new apartment. If the ass took her job, she would move to Alaska.

With a plan for her future, she set her alarm, took nighttime cold medicine, and fell onto her bed. A musky scent invaded her space. She threw the extra pillows on the floor. The offending scent had the power to break her.

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