13 - Coincidences

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Like a gentleman, Ian let Ainsley step into the market first.

His words played in her head about making a good impression if he were her blind date. He had already done a good job. Were they on a date? She bit her bottom lip as she wondered. They stood side by side at the fresh sauces.

"Basil or something spicier?" He pointed.

"Which do you prefer?"

He chuckled. "I asked you. How about basil? Can't go wrong."

He picked up the expensive one made with San Marzano tomatoes. Ainsley never splurged. Maybe she never had a reason to. He picked up a loaf of fresh bread in a brown paper bag.

He turned to her. "You have red?"

She smiled. "It's a staple."

He chuckled, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Some people didn't understand when she joked. At the register, she fished through her bag for her wallet. As he tapped his card, he said, "I got it."

She tilted her head and smiled. "I suggested it."

"You have the wine."

They stepped back outside into the cooling evening air. "Fine. You're a director, you must make a lot more than me."

"I hate to tell you but entry-level programmers make more than entry-level anything else."

"I started as an assistant. I made next to nothing." She stopped abruptly. "Do you mean the acne boys make more than me?"

He furrowed his brow a moment before laughing. "Do you mean the help desk? No, they don't have the same education." As they approached their building, he said, "Your place or mine?"

She laughed. He delivered the line like a suave old film star. "I invited you. Unless you don't like cats."

"I have a cat who I need to feed. How about we get the wine at your place and cook at mine? I'll be a modern man and do the dishes."

"Okay." She liked how he decided. She hated the whole I don't know, what do you want game. She liked a lot more about him too.

He flashed a smile, and her belly dipped. Thankfully, she wasn't a slob and even made her bed. There was only a screen separating it from the rest of her tiny apartment. She watched as he looked around.

"Nice use of your limited space."

She used storage ottomans as a coffee table and as seats at her small dining table. Space management was a skill she mastered.

"I'm a candidate for a tiny home, if I ever left the city behind for the woods."

"Would you want to?"

She shook her head. "I wasn't a Girl Scout."

"I grew up a city kid. It's in my veins."

"Here in Boston?"

He nodded. "And in New York, but I consider Boston my city."

She nodded. "Let me change." Instead of changing behind the screen, she stepped into the bathroom. She put on comfortable shorts and a tee. It wasn't a date. Or was it?

He looked up from petting Gunther when she stepped out. "Good. I'll change too."

"Okay. One bottle or two?"

"One. I have things to do tomorrow."

She nodded. "Me too." She scooped the dry food for her cat. "I'm ready. Pasta and wine."

He carried the shopping bag as she followed him up the stairs. He had a slight limp. "Are you okay?"

"Too much walking. I need to rest my knee."

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