33 - Perfect

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Ainsley headed to work on her own on Monday morning. Catrina arrived early, so Ainsley wanted to as well. She wanted to help Rachel gain more experience. Except for Lilli, no one stayed an assistant for long at Roche-Sumner. It was an entry-level stepping stone position, but other employees needed to act as mentors. Catrina had mentored Ainsley when she sat in the trenches.

She had checked off her to-do list before her co-workers trickled in. Nina asked about her weekend. She answered it was great. Brunch with her parents wasn't, but Brooke was, as was the sex. Meeting Andrew and Margot had been interesting. She knew Ian's dad was young, but she didn't expect him to look like Ian's brother. If Lilli met him, she would call him sexy names.

Nina talked about wedding dress shopping. Ainsley went with Lilli because she was her best friend, but she didn't see the point of a lacy dress that was a huge expense for one day. Weddings were a lot of hype to say 'I do'. She smiled and pretended to listen as she checked sales data.

Ainsley rolled her eyes when Henry appeared with a latte for Catrina. Ainsley considered it cheating and wondered if it was decaffeinated. Her plan was to work as a team member. She walked around the other desks asking if she could help. Some took up her offer. She even helped with a laptop issue. After directing a restart, she shared the help desk number she had memorized.

"Thanks, Ainsley. You're a lifesaver."

She made her way to Rachel. "Do you want me to show you how I research?" Her face lit up. "Later. Do you have lunch plans?"

"Gross salad." Rachel wrinkled her nose.

"Gross salad and a new skill."

Smiling, she circled around past Henry's desk. "Socializing again."

She ignored him. By the end of the day, she had an email from Catrina thanking her for working with Rachel, because she hadn't found the time.

One point for Ainsley.

Her week continued. She arrived early and spent time each day helping others. On Tuesday and Thursday, she worked late because Ian climbed.

Wednesday night, Ian tried to talk to her about it. She didn't want him to fix her problem. Everyone knew men liked to do that. She needed to win or lose on her own. Ian could be her cheerleader.

"Shush. I don't want to talk about it. I have something else in mind."

"I wonder what?"

She sat on his lap and let him take her mind off work. Sleepy in his arms, she asked, "Can I stay?"

"Have I ever thrown you out? We're a team. I'll always be on your side.'

She giggled. "A mud wrestling team. Wet and dirty."

He chuckled into her neck. "Don't start. We need sleep."

She knew he was dreamy when she liked him on the sidewalk. She didn't realize he was perfect.

Perfect was having Ian by her side at the party Lilli organized for Nancy Gibbons's book release. Nancy waved her over. "Introduce me to your friend." Ian graciously shook the chirpy woman's hand. "How did you meet? I'm always collecting ideas."

Their eyes met as Ian's sparkled. "A taxi."

The woman rubbed her hands together.

"And a puddle." Ainsley winked.

"A puddle?"

Ian nodded. "The taxi drove by and hit both of us with murky water."

"It was dirty and wet. After that we kept running into each other."

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