Chapter X

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Nina opened her eyes, cold sweat covered her forehead.
With shaky knees she stood up, some of her joints cracking. The clock read 03:30 in the morning.
Nina sat down on the side of the desk and let her legs dangle over the edge.
She hated it, every night these dreams haunted her, different places, different times but always the same girl.
The same desperate and broken girl.

Sleeping again was impossible, she only slept more than 4 hours in exceptional cases anyway.
She stood under the shower for a minute or so to wash the sweat of fear from her body, then she got her sports clothes and put them on.
The trousers were tight at the waist, but both were loose and the shirt was also loosely fitting.
She sat quietly in her room for about 20 minutes, her mind racing, before she decided to look around the building.

With every single step she took, everything was imprinted in her mind, like a mental blueprint of the building.

She hadn't been walking the corridors long when she reached the kitchen, it was a nice big open kitchen.
She quickly took a water bottle from the fridge, so that if anyone should meet her, she could just say that she needed something to drink.
Bottle in hand, she continued her tour of the Tower.

'Training', a sign above the door pointed to the training room beyond.
Hesitantly, Nina pushed open the large door and stepped into the large room.
Sports equipment as far as the eye could see.

A large boxing ring in the centre, punching bags to one side. Slowly she walked through the room, a wall of display cases, full of knives and other weapons immediately caught her attention.
Her gaze slid reverently over the gigantic collection of different knives, carefully sorted according to use and size.

Her fingers twitched at the idea of the cold metal in her hands.
Her gaze lingered on the beautiful, filigree, dark green knife, her knife.
With a wistful smile, she gently stroked her hand over the sharp blade.

The sound of approaching footsteps jolted her out of her thoughts, quickly she turned and took her distance from the knives.
She knew she hadn't been trusted much yet, standing right by the knives now wouldn't make a very good impression.
The door swung open and Steve stepped in, wearing a shirt that was clearly too tight and running shorts.

"Hey, you're here already, perfect.", he winced slightly as he saw Nina already standing in the room, "Then we're good to go, ready?".
Nina just nodded, training to absolute exhaustion, for her this was nothing new and an evil to which she must have quickly become accustomed.

"Perfect.", Steve made his way with her to the exit of the tower.
"So, we're walking, just try to keep up, if you need a break badly let me know," Steve tried to motivate her, again Nina just nodded.

They ran in silence, Nina was focused solely on her breathing, she had almost forgotten that Steve was still beside her after about an hour.
The pace was still fast as they turned onto the final stretch of their run.
Throughout the run neither of them had said a word, both picking up the pace now and then when they realised they were slowing down.

"Very good, you have half an hour now, until breakfast," Steve said out of breath as they were back outside the Tower and making their way to their rooms.
Nina nodded and walked as fast as she could to her room.
She was about to go into the bathroom to take a shower when she remembered that she didn't have any fresh clothes, "проклятый (damn)," she cursed softly before walking out the door and down the corridor to the next room.

Wanda was her roommate, after a moment's hesitation she knocked gently on the door and waited.
"Hold on!" she heard a muffled voice from inside before Wanda opened the door from inside. "Pheobe, hi. What's up?", she was slightly surprised as the girl was the last person she would have expected to see.

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