Chapter XI

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As soon as the impact forced the air out of Wanda's lungs, Nina quickly loosened her grip, stood up and held out a hand to Wanda.
"Sorry", she apologised as she helped her back to her feet.
"No problem.", Wanda was still out of breath.
"Wow. Where did you learn that?"
Nina stood in the ring a little lost, "Had a few years of training and also otherwise used the time I had."
Nina locked the door to her bathroom, her clothes clinging to her sweaty body like a second skin, her muscles burning and every fibre of her body screaming with exhaustion.
Cold water ran over her skin, exhausted she closed her eyes and enjoyed the small moment of peace.
Her gaze followed the small streams of water, down her upper body, over the countless scars that were only visible as silky white lines. And stopped at her lower belly, a long white line stretching down from her belly button about 10 cm.
Memories came flooding back as she slowly stroked a finger over what had once been a cut. Memories of her youth, of torture and pain. Memories she just wanted to forget.
"Miss Corbyn, The team is gathering in the living room, you are requested to join them," she heard the mechanical voice of JARVIS, over the speakers in the ceiling.
Nina sighed, once again closing her eyes and relaxing before stepping out of the shower, quickly changing and making her way through the corridors of the tower.
"Hey.", Wanda greeted her as Nina stepped through the door into the living room, "Hey, what exactly is this going to be?", Nina pointed to the pile of cushions spread out on the floor in front of the large sofa. "Games night. We're just waiting for the others to come back. We have a few more to introduce you to."
Already Nina was being pulled over by Wanda, to the table around which Tony, Bruce and Clint were already sitting. Sam and Thor, the God of Thunder were newly introduced to her. Sam was a very friendly, middle-aged man and Thor a broad-shouldered, dear comrade, with medium-length, dark blond hair.
"All right, we're just waiting for Romanoff and Barnes.". At the name, a tiny light came on in Nina's mind. Romanoff, she knew the name, it seemed so familiar, but at the same time she couldn't connect anything from her memories with it.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lift doors, the others hadn't heard it, but instinctively her head wheeled around and she focused on the doors to the living room.
"We're back!" a deep but pleasant voice rang out, Nina flinched briefly as she saw the man with the metal arm step through the door.
Directly behind him, a woman with red, shoulder-length hair entered your room.
"Barnes, Romanoff, there you are at last!" Tony made a gesture towards the sofa and cushions, "Sit down, we want to start the games!"

Nina watched as the two came over and settled on the sofa. "We have someone else to introduce you to, Pheobe, this is Bucky," he pointed to the brown haired one.
"And this," he pointed to the woman with the red hair, "This is Natasha Romanoff. Bucky, Nat, this is Pheobe. She's part of the Avengers now."

"I want to apologise again, I didn't mean to seriously hurt any of them." Nina felt bad at the sight of the man who had had the one grenade explode in his back.
"Long forgotten, for one thing no one really got hurt and for another you should have seen Nat when we first met." Clint laughed lightly at his last words. Natasha just gave him a sharp look before looking to Nina.
Their eyes met and the small lamp glowed even brighter. She knew those forest green eyes, she was sure of it! Only from where?
Natasha, however, seemed to think nothing of the sort, nodding once politely to Nina before turning back to Tony and the others.
"So Stank, what do we do?" Tony rolled his eyes, "Are you ever going to stop calling me that?"
"Thought we'd have a game night, how about Truth or Dare?"
The rounds passed, everyone was at least drunk by now. With the exception of Nina. She hadn't had a drop of alcohol, sitting in a corner of the stanchion watching everything that was happening.
"Hey!", Tony stumbled over his own words, "Newbie! Truth or Dare?"
"Truth.", she replied emotionlessly.
"What did you really want at the base?"
An ice-cold, withering stare was the first reaction he got. All eyes were on Emilia expectantly.

"I was looking for information," came the reply after a brief moment of silence.
Tony, who had clearly gone to his head with the alcohol by now, accepted the answer with a nod before downing the contents of another glass down his throat.
Steve, still only slightly drunk and whose brain the answer had at least scratched, raised his head. "What kind of information?"
"na-ah." she immediately dismissed, "One question, one answer."
Too tipsy to argue, Steve slumped back into the pillows.
Nina let her gaze wander over those gathered in the room, besides herself only Natasha and Wanda were still really responsive.
"I think it's better if we end the evening here," she said, standing up. "Do you need any help?"
"Why is that?" muttered Tony, in the act of uncorking another bottle of champagne.
With a few quick and inaudible steps, Nina was beside him and took the bottle from him. "Mr Stark, I don't think your liver will thank you."
Somewhat impressed, Wanda and Natasha watched as the young woman went around the room taking everyone's alcohol-filled glasses and bottles one by one before replacing them with water.
Each of them got to hear some biting comments about their excessive consumption, which they probably wouldn't remember the next morning.
Nina stopped her tour in front of Wanda, who just looked at her sheepishly and gingerly sipped her wine.
"Three times eight?" Wanda frowned, "24, why?"
Nina just nodded and moved on to Natasha, who provocatively raised her wine glass to her lips.
"Capital of the US?"
Nat raised an eyebrow. The knowing grin and piercing stare would have made anyone else immediately ignore the question, but Nina maintained eye contact and waited.
"Washington, D. C." There was a certain triumph in her voice.
"Perfect, at least two who still have a bit of your brains working."
Quickly, Nina had put the drinks away and was about to leave the room.
"Wait, where are you going?" called Wanda after her, slightly confused.
"To bed, good night.", she said and made her way to her room, leaving the completely drunk ones to themselves.


the chapter is a bit short i'm sorry. I'm just a bit out of ideas at the moment.

As always, eat and drink enough and stay warm through the winter <3

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