Chapter XIII

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Nina grinned, "No one here is innocent. All plagued by guilt, looking for something that can make up for what they've done. And it seems to be working." Nina strolled in an arc, a sufficient distance from Wanda, to the kitchen teke (/counter) and stroked her fingers over the knife block. "Who still thinks of Tony Stark as the man who sold the weapons that brought disaster to so many families? No, they all see Ironman, the hero. The trick is to build a new image as fast as you can and keep it at all costs." She pulled out a narrow and long knife and looked at it in thought. Her voice turned bitter, "Even if that means betraying your friends."


Wanda watched perplexed as Nina held the knife. Was she going to attack her? Wanda knew that if Nina did do something, she was capable of holding her back, even restraining her. "I know we are not innocent, I know that Tony's weapons brought destruction, I was a victim of that destruction myself." Wanda kept her voice calm. "But I have chosen to forgive him even though I can never forget the pain I went through." She tries to diffuse the situation, not very keen on having a fight in the kitchen with sharp knives.

Nina watched her movements closely, like a hawk looking at its next prey. She knew that with her powers, Wanda could easily take her down. "But has everyone else forgiven him for his actions? I don't think that they have." Nina spoke, her voice bitter. "I am certain that in the right circumstances he would betray his friends, his teammates, just to save his own skin." She turned the knife in her hold, it was well balanced, sharp. Perfect for cutting various things. "He has left that life behind, he has changed." Nina could hear the slightly nervous undertone in Wanda's voice. She hummed in thought. "Has he?" Nina asked. "Has he truly changed?"

Nina's hold on the knife tightens, her eyes hardening. This makes Wanda take a step back, raising her hands unnoticeably to be ready for anything that might happen. Wanda notices how Nina is about to take a step forward but is halted by a sound of footsteps. She loosens her grip on the knife, placing it back to the knife block just in time for Steve to walk in the room. At first he didn't sense the tension of the room but after noticing the way the two women stared at each other in silence his posture tensed. Steve did not know what had transpired here before he arrived, but the tension was so thick one could cut it with a knife. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Did I interrupt something?" His question caused both Nina and Wanda to turn their gazes to him simultaneously, slightly creeping Steve out.

Wanda was first to open her mouth but couldn't get her words out. How would she explain the situation? Nina saw this and completely turned her body to face Steve, her fingers gently tapping the counter. "No, no..." She started, "you didn't interrupt anything. We were just- just talking." Nina plastered a smile to her face, allowing Steve to relax his posture. The less Steve knew about this conversation the better. "If you say so." Steve chose to let it be, instead focusing on the food. "Did you make breakfast? How long have you been up?" His questions made Nina relax just a tiniest bit. She kept silent for a second before answering. "I did, yes. Woke up a while ago and decided to make breakfast for the team." She chose to omit the details of her morning, not wishing the team to hear them. She took her own share of the food, slightly pushing it around.

Wanda still stood in place, trying to wrap her head around the encounter. Was Pheobe just joking with her? The way her attitude did a complete flip when Steve walked in did back that thought. But the way she spoke to Wanda just seemed genuine, like that was what she truly felt. Wanda shook her head slightly, going to have her own breakfast. She chose to take Pheobe's word on it not being poisoned. As she sat down, Steve spoke up. "I was thinking that now that Pheobe here has joined us, we could have a training session with pairs. We would cycle the pairs so this could double with a team building session too. Sounds good?"

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