Chapter XXI

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Trigger warning again: mention of various ( nasty) torture methods, violence and blood in general.
If this is not for you, please keep your distance.


"What do you mean?"
"Unfortunately, we had to spend much more time than we would have expected. Some new interesting methods were needed." It was absolutely repulsive how flippantly he told this. Completely unprompted, he began pacing up and down in front of the window and struck a chatty tone. "We had already taken tighter measures after Natalia's outburst, Yelena will probably remember." Oh, Yelena remembered, sadly. "Well, when we saw that it probably wasn't enough we enforced even tougher middles. She endured a surprising amount, it was really interesting to watch." The urge to just rush in and smack his cocky face grew impossibly large. Softly and venomously, Yelena hissed, "You'll regret this." The loud and mocking laughter resounded through the speakers. "Oh, I doubt it."
Everything in her resisted stepping forward even one step, the door was the most uninviting thing imaginable. She didn't step forward. Mistake.
Completely fixated on the door, she hadn't noticed how the woman had moved from her place and was now standing behind her. A hard unexpected kick in the back made her stagger forward and step through the door. It slammed shut behind her with a bang, the mechanical click of a lock sounding. The darkness of the room enveloped her like a heavy blanket and made her pupils dilate, searching for some brightness. Nina didn't even try to open the door, she knew locks and the chances of opening it quickly and escaping unnoticed were zero.

Quietly she expelled air and held her aching back, these Kombat boots were really treacherous. "Bloody hell." she cursed softly.
A reprimanding voice broke from the darkness of the room, "Tststs, this is not how we raised you." Her hand left her back and found its way to her side, close to her knives. "No, I suppose not," she spoke scornfully. "Too bad I couldn't care less."
Red light flooded the room, dust dancing in the rays. But the gaunt figure was now recognisable too. Her hair was tied back in the same chignon, her dark clothes were tight against her body and her hands were clasped behind her back. A tiny, fake smile twitched around the corners of her mouth, "Well, where have your manners gone?"
Nina knew these strange games, had used them so many times herself, so she got in on the act and put on a slightly scornful tone. "I must have lost them here. I've already missed it and came to see if it might still be lying around here somewhere." Her voice became quieter, more cunning. "But I'm afraid it didn't last long. Like so many others."

Madame B smirked, "You survived, only the weak are weeded out. Natural selection."
"I didn't. But I find it interesting, how natural are microchips to you?" The question sounded ridiculous, Nina had tilted her head and her tone revealed she was looking down at the woman in the room.
Nina had always been good at verbal back-slapping, but since leaving the Red Room her sayings had only become more cutting and Madame B had obviously not expected anything like this. In an attempt to cover her insecurity, she let out a pressed laugh. "You won't get out of here, we both know that. Even your clever sayings won't help you now."
Her fingertips brushed the cold handle of the knife, her eyes wandering around the room. It had one door, no vents, and no other visible exits. She was a little too focused on the room, "You haven't learned anything about interior design since I left, have you?"
Something in Madame B's face twitched, the stoic expression shifted minimally. It was probably the scariest thing she could have done. "You're already on very thin ice," she warned. Nina had already passed the edge of madness and just kept stepping on the gas. "Oh, I know, and I'm about to jump on it."

The woman stepped forward, into the middle of the room, and puffed herself up to her full height. "What do you want here?"
"Right, my manners, I guess they're lost forever, too bad." Nina shrugged indifferently. "My life, difficult to get that back I admit, probably hopeless." She sighed and the question marks in Madame B's mind grew. Nina gnawed thoughtfully on her finger, then seemed to have come to an idea and nodded slightly. "But, but. But, there is one thing that would remain." She tilted her head and looked at the woman thoughtfully. Her voice had the same tone you would expect from someone offering a lollipop to a child, "To give you a slow and agonising death."
She was mad.

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