Chapter XXVIII

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little warning: it's late and I'm tired.
Also, I'm not guaranteeing anything for the last part, it was incredibly awkward to write it. Nevertheless, I hope you like it. Be prepared and enjoy it :)


"Natasha, put the axe down!"
"Don't do it!"
"What the fuck, Nina?!"
Panicked, Yelena jerked at her bonds, the sight of Natasha not reassuring. The big hatchet in her hand didn't really say for a change. While Natasha nearly burst into flames with rage and Yelena burst into sheer panic, Nina, arms folded, leaned against the wall, enjoying the spectacle.

-Shortly before-
A hand grabbed Nina's arm just as she was walking down the hallway towards the Gym, pulling her into a small, dark room. "Hey, is everything ready?" Full of excitement, Yelena pushed the door shut after making sure no one else was in the hallway. "Did you really have to drag me into a cabinet for this?" asked Nina, patting the dust off her shoulders. "Cabinet? It's a room." The room was about 5 square metres, had no window and the walls were taken up by shelves. "It's a cabinet, it says 'cleaning closet' on the door, we're standing in a cabinet, Yelena." It was only now that many Yelena noticed that all that was on those shelves was a gigantic collection of various cleaning products. "This is supposed to be a cupboard?"
"No, this is a cupboard. We're still in Tony fucking Blayboy Stark's house," Nina replied dryly. "So why am here?"
"Because of our plan, how does everything work?" And already Yelena was back to her joyfully jittery self. "First, this is your plan. And secondly, yes I've taken care of everything." What must have been the widest grin possible grew on the Russian's face. "It's going to be phenomenal!"

Nina was working again in her annexed laboratory when the click of the lock jolted her out of her thoughts, automatically locking the door. Time had run out, now her plan was beginning and no one could stop it. With a demonic grin she lingered in her room and proudly witnessed her plan unfold in all its glory.
Point 1. She had spent what felt like an eternity gathering all the weapons and similar items and stowing them away in a safe place. After some thought, she had unceremoniously taken any cutlery from the kitchen; With the right motivation, Natasha could form a weapon out of anything. Another part of point one was the elimination of any means of escape. No cars drove any more and even the jets, which also had weapons on board, were not moving any time soon. The best thing was that she didn't have to do irreparable damage to all these technical gadgets, she wouldn't have had the heart to do that. They were merely out of action until Nina would lift the tech's curse.
Point 2. Jarvis
Yelena had scratched the AI in her plan and Nina had immediately been on fire. She hadn't told her partner in crime that she didn't need to devise a plan, as everything had already been planned long in advance. But thanks to the long and precise planning, it was an absolute piece of cake to cripple Tony's much hated spy. The best part was that not only was all of Tony's technology fucked, but Nina had 100% access to everything in the compound and connected to it. And, oh boy, how she would use this.
Point three.
Create absolute chaos and watch her plan work. And her plan started right now.

"Dance Monkey- Tones and I" blared through anything that could transmit sound, anywhere in Nina's radius of action. At full volume and with no way to turn it off or escape, this song was the perfect prelude, to the torture to come.
After about 2 minutes, through the large window, she saw some figures gathering on the large lawn, presumably hoping that the music would not reach them there. Wrong thought. For some reason unknown to Nina, Tony had equipped not only all the buildings but also every square kilometre of the grounds with powerful loudspeaker systems. A measure he definitely regretted after that day. 
After about 20 minutes, "Dance Money", without interruption, the song slowly faded out. Nina watched as the figures visibly relaxed. They were incredibly naïve, they thought that was all.
More than an hour passed and Nina had the fun of her life as the plan of her torture unfolded. But even this well-planned fun was coming to an end and she continued her work.
About 10 minutes after it was all over, she heard footsteps rapidly approaching the massive glass door. Hectic hands knocked on the glass. "Nina! Nina, please let me in!" Yelena seemed rushed and kept looking anxiously behind her as she pounded on the glass. But she was silent, saying nothing, just blocking back and forth between her work and the panicked Yelena outside the door. "Nina, please!" The Russian began to rattle the door handle. "Natasha got wind that I had something to do with this. Please let me in!" It was actually unnecessary for her to explain what or who was after her. But even the pleading and whining didn't help, Nina didn't move a bit. "Nina!"
"I told you I'd get out of it if she chased you." A tentative grin played around her lips at that. The Russian opened her mouth another time to protest, but something interrupted her. More footsteps, heavy with anger, rushed down the corridor outside the labs. Natasha. To the uninvolved, it was quite an amusing sight to see the blood drain from Yelena's face as soon as she heard her sister's footsteps. She could no longer escape Natasha, and they all knew it.

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