Chapter XXVII

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First of all: Thank you for one thousand readings!
I myself enjoy writing and am glad that it also gives others a little distraction :)

thank you for everyone who is still with me <3
I would appreciate comments as well, but I never dare to write any myself, so

I hope you can enjoy the story, have fun with everything that is still to come...


It was pitch dark when she opened her eyes.
Somewhat disoriented, she straightened up a little and looked around. The illuminated screen of a digital clock on the shelf told the time: 2:30 in the morning. Groaning, she got up from the hard-wooden floor and a crunch went along her spine. Almost four hours of sleep, not bad by her standards, but she could do without the nightmare that always ended her nights. Disgusted, she pulled the T-shirt, soaked with cold sweat, off her body and put it in the laundry basket.

No sound was heard as she stepped into the dark bathroom and stood under the cold shower as if in Trace. After dreams like these she was out of it for about half an hour, always completely beside herself. Resembling a wind-up machine, she stepped back out from under the water and put on new clothes, a too-big shirt and loose shorts, all and dark, neutral colours. No sooner had she finished than she left her room. She just couldn't stay there in her room after nightmares, she needed some kind of distraction.
In all the weeks she had been here, no one had noticed that she only slept for a maximum of four hours and then still haunted the buildings in the middle of the night. Trudging along the dark corridor, she felt the nightmare still heavily lingering in her mind. Her first steps outside of her room were a bit more cautious- as they were every other night, but soon she sped up her movements. The others had not woken up the other times so why would they wake up today? With soft steps she was in search of something to distract her. Maybe she could go to the gym? Or take a walk outside this time?

She couldn't choose, not quite yet anyway, and continued to travel through the dark hallways and rooms like a shadow, without any destination in mind. The bare feet of the girl stepped on the gravel, the slight pain was welcome. It worked as a further distraction.
Nina however didn't stay on the gravel for long, soon moving to stand on the grass. It was starting to gather some dew on it, giving her feet a little shock from the chill. Her steps had been slow- until now. Now that her body had gotten used to the chilling air, her steps had gained speed from walking to a light jog. Now, without any fear of waking up the others, she started to head towards a grassy area next to the main building, her pace rising to a run. Nina let her legs carry her around the edge of the area, her eyes trained towards the sky. It was surprisingly calm here, with less sound and light pollution than in the cities, making it easier to admire the moon and the stars.
She runs and runs, never stopping, never slowing down. Her eyes trained to the sky the whole time. She has relaxed already, the nightmare pushed to the back of her mind. As the stars start to fade and the horizon turns to a soft pink, she slows down. She takes a couple of deep breaths as she stops and closes her eyes. Taking in the fresh air and the sounds of birds waking up. The air is a bit warmer now as the light starts slowly warming up the earth. Peering up at the countless windows that let the moonlight inside earlier, Nina can see a silhouette moving in the hallway. The others seem to be waking up. Stretching her arms, Nina moves towards the entrance, her steps soft and calculated as she doesn't necessarily want the others to see her coming inside and asking questions. Again, she moves like a shadow, swiftly towards her own room.

"Where have you been?"
She had successfully made it through the corridors to her room and had remained unseen, or so she thought. But now, when she opened the door to her room, the empty room welcomed her as she had left it. Instead, she was greeted by a familiar blonde Russian woman stretched out in her bed.
With a loud bang the door slammed and Nina stood in the dark corridor, what had she just seen? Hesitating, very slowly, she pushed down the handle and pushed the door open millimetre by millimetre. "All right, that's not the reaction I was hoping for." A second time the door slammed shut between them. But this time she took a step back and removed her hand from the handle altogether. Surely it wouldn't be noticeable if she just walked away now, whatever Yelena wanted wouldn't have mattered that much already. "Nina, would you like to come back in?" the voice came muffled through the door. "No!"
"Come back in, now!" It was a bizarre conversation, Yelena on the bed and Nina indecisive for the closed door. "If you get any ideas about leaving, I'll hunt you down all day if I have to!" Yelena's threat might have seemed funny at first. But only as long as one believed it was really just a joke. So reluctantly she stepped back into her room and stood indecisively in front of the blonde intruder. "There you go, that's not so hard."
"I can leave this room very quickly, so don't overdo it."
"Okay, so early and already so ready for violence."
"What do you want Yelena?" The Russian slid backwards in Nina's bed and leaned against the headboard. In doing so, she upset the perfectly arranged pillows that Nina had arranged a few weeks ago. They were dark greys, with subtle patterns. "How good of you to ask. I had an idea and I need you for it." The sly grin on her face boded absolutely nothing good and Nina would have liked to rush out of the room again immediately. Blinking expectantly, Yelena looked at her. "So, are you in?"
"I don't even know what it's about." Nina pointed a pointed finger at the blonde. "But the mere fact that it's your idea doesn't bode well for me."
Yelena expelled air contemptuously. "Oh please, when have I ever had a really bad idea?" A well-shaped eyebrow shot up. "Okay, maybe I've had immature ideas here and there."
"Immature? It's the eighth wonder of the world we didn't die years ago," Nina snorted. For a moment she became almost nostalgic as memories of days gone by came flooding back. "Okay, okay, I get it! But that's why I have you, so I can survive this time too," Yelena tried to deflect from her occasional missteps. She too knew how often her plans had taken vertical turns. "So, what's your 'oh-so-genius' plan?" Yelena didn't need to be asked twice. Already she had jumped up and forced Nina to sit on the bed. Now she stood in front of her, bubbling over with anticipation and ready to share her infallible plan.

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