- Chapter XXIII -

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Panic-stricken, like startled chickens, they both ran around among the rubble, calling Nina's name again and again. For minutes they received no answer and their fear continued to grow. Yelena had gone a little further away, in a direction where there were many large pieces of concrete, calling again and again for the blonde, to no avail.
She stumbled over a small pile of loose rubble and propped herself up on a large one made of several massive pieces. Her eyes fell on the ground, something shimmered under the thick layers of dust. As quickly as possible she picked it up and wiped it on her suit.
The blade of a handy knife glowed in the afternoon sun. It was Nina's knife. "Natasha!" The Russian's head immediately went up when she heard her sister's call. Without thinking twice, she let herself across the field as quickly as she could without falling over. "What happened?" she asked, out of breath. Wordlessly, Yelena held the knife out to her. "This is Nina's." she breathed, "Better than her hand." Natasha gave her a disregarding look, not the moment for such jokes.
Yelena bent down, her angle of vision changing and she could see under some of the larger slabs. Something caught her eye, something pale, a hand.
A horrified sound made Natasha sit up and take notice. "What is it?" she immediately came up beside her sister and she too had to pull herself together when she saw it. "It was a joke," Yelena whispered. "It doesn't matter now, we have to get her out of there!" With all their strength they heaved the first concrete slab aside, but it caused the smaller one underneath to loosen from its snag and sag another bit. "We can't do it like this!" Yelena was right, Natasha took a couple of steps back and wiped her brow in stress. "Can't we call the others, they can help us."
"Yelena, how long did it take us to get here?"
"About a day, a little more." Natasha nods insistently. "Exactly, they won't be any quicker, by the time they get here Nina will be mush."

Restlessly they tigered up and down trying to find a solution. Suddenly Yelena stopped and raised an index finger. "What would Nina do?"
"What would Nina do. Imagine if one of us was down there, what would Nina do?"
Natasha's face lit up barely noticeable. "Nina always has some idea, what would she do now?"
Thoughtfully, Natasha once again surveyed her surroundings, then suddenly something occurred to her. "Leverage! In Norway, Nina gave me a 20-minute lecture on leverage and the benefits!" She looked around. "Quick, we need a thick stick!"

As quickly as ever, Yelena had found a perfect stick and dragged it to her sister. "Here. Now what?" "We have to be quick, we lift the slab and then one of us pulls it out." Yelena nodded and the two set to work. Several times they managed to lift the slab, but then the stick slid to the side and the slab fell again. But finally, they had managed to lift the concrete a good bit. Underneath, covered in dust and small debris, a limp body lay. It looked as if a giant had stepped on it and pushed her body further into the ground.
"The hand is still on the body," Yelena remarked. "Just get her out of there!", Natasha pressed out between gritted teeth.
With grunts and groans, Yelena heaved the body out. Nina herself hardly weighed anything, but the Russian had to uncover her first.
As soon as the girl lay under the open sky, Nat let go of the stick and squatted down next to the body. With shaky hands, she put Nina's head to one side and pressed her fingers to her neck, searching for a heartbeat.
"Well?" urged Yelena. Natasha felt a barely perceptible throb against her fingertips; Nina was alive. Just to check, she held her hand very close to the unconscious woman's nose, only to feel a gossamer puff of air whenever she exhaled. "She's alive." she said, as if to make it clear to herself once more. Yelena also breathed a sigh of relief. "But what do we do now?"
Natasha had put Nina in the stable side position, half pushed, half lifted. "We've got the jet, we'll get Nina on board and back as soon as we can."
"Yea, well..." Yelena scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "About the jet."
"Yelena," her tone was dangerous. "What about the jet?" Wordlessly, the blonde pointed in one direction. "I guess it can take less building than Nina. It's fully crushed."
Small puffs of smoke rose from the gearbox. The pile of sheet metal and steel lay on the ground like a downed bird, almost bisected by gigantic chunks of concrete. They were unlikely to get home with that. "But." Yelena turned to her sister. "What would Nina do? I think I have an idea."

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