Chapter XIV

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Maybe 15 minutes had passed and the two had already warmed up. At some point, Natasha had decided that it was a good idea to start with some lighter training tasks. 10 minutes Nina had already served as a punching bag, for Natasha, who wanted to perfect her punches and kicks.
It was no problem for the light blonde to keep her thick pads in the right place at the right moment to fend off the attacks, even without rejection.
She did not make a sound. Because Nina was busy herself, she enjoyed watching the Russian closely and finding the exact weak points in each of her positions. Even if she had to admit that Natasha was very good, she noticed quite a few little things that - if recognised and used correctly - were templates for perfect counter-attacks.
"Romanoff?" Natasha overheard her and continued with her punches. "Romanoff.", Nina repeated a little louder. But again, no response. She didn't want to shout across the training room, so she made short work of it and grabbed Natasha's hand as she delivered the next blow.
Surprised, she froze for a moment before Nina let go of her hand. "What was that about?" It wasn't an angry question, or not so extremely angry.
"A real punching bag is also capable of taking those blows and it doesn't give feedback," Nina explained. "While I'm here I thought you might as well make use of that option." A tiny mischievous grin twitched around the corners of her mouth.
"What feedback?" Nina rolled her eyes, unseeing Natasha. "Suggestions for improvement. Tips for more exercises. That kind of thing is often called feedback in professional circles," she explained teasingly.

Natasha eyed her appraisingly. "I know what feedback is, the question is whether I'm getting decent feedback from you." Natasha wanted to add emphasis to her statement and prove to the younger girl how good she really was.
With a steely grip, Nina held onto Nat's foot before it could touch her.
"I think so." Once more Nat eyed the girl, her look so dreaded it would have silenced anyone else instantly. "All right, let's hear about all the things I'm doing wrong," she demanded.
Nina smirked. "Now- Bucky!" she shouted in the direction of the soldier who continued to stretch, at the back of the room, with Steve. The latter raised his head and looked at her questioningly. Nina motioned for him to come over to them. With Steve in tow, he stepped over to them. "Can I help?"
Nina nodded. "Could you do the punching bag for Natasha for a minute?" Somewhat confused, he agreed, grabbed the schooners and stood in front of the redhead, ready to be punched and kicked.
With a satisfied nod, Nina took a step back. "There, now please do the beating and everything as you would."
Reluctantly, Natasha did as she was told.

Not a minute after she began, the blonde cleared her throat. "May I interject something?"
"Please," Steve spoke up, who was also watching the proceedings.
"We all agree that Natasha's not bad, right?" Without waiting for an answer, she continued. "But there are a few mistakes that can become a problem. We all have to be careful not to be openly vulnerable at any moment, right?"
Stehe opened his mouth to say something, but was immediately cut off again by Nina. "Right. So that's another point for improvement." She looked expectantly at the small group.
"But when is Natasha vulnerable, please?" asked Steve, genuinely confused. "I don't think anyone would get her down in that situation." Bucky obliged him. Natasha didn't say, but seemed to be visibly enjoying the triumph.
A tiny sigh escaped Nina's lips. Quickly she asked them both to take up the final position once more: Nat's right arm in front, delivering the blow. Her left arm at her side. Legs standing forward in a step, knees slightly bent.

"In this situation, the left side is exposed and the position of the legs can also be exploited," she explained, also pointing with a slender finger. "If you say so. Bucky, can you try to exploit that?" asked Steve, still sceptical. The big man just nodded, took off his schooners and gestured for Natasha to attack.
It quickly became clear to everyone that no matter how hard Bucky tried, he didn't stand a chance.
Steve interrupted the exercise and turned to the girl. "It doesn't seem that serious after all. So what's your point?"
Nina sighed, then the stepped forward and shooed Bucky aside. "You have to do everything yourself." she muttered, barely audible. Just then she stood in front of the older one, "Go on." With both hands she gestured to herself too, a devilish glint flickering in her eyes as she whispered, "Hit me."

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