Chapter XVII

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two small comments: First, everything Russian is translated again, so please forgive any mistakes. Secondly, it's late and I didn't have the energy to check the text. So, please just ignore any sort of mistakes.
Otherwise, thank you for everyone who is keeping faith with this story and have fun with this chapter <3


"So, what all happened while I was away?" Yelena sat close to her sister on one of the sofas, a thick blanket over her legs, Steve and Clint lounging opposite them. "Not much. We have a prisoner in the cell." Casually Nat fished for the remaining Macaronies from the pot on Yelena's lap.
"Well, that sounds like something. Who is it?" Warningly, Yelena slapped her hand away from the edge of the pot. "That's my food!"
Pouting briefly, Nat popped the rest of the noodles on her fork into her mouth. "We don't know who it is."
Chewing for a moment, Yelena said, "What do you mean you don't know? Did you find Ne cat in the street or what?" Steve, who had been silent until now, leafing through an ancient book, raised his head. "Something like that. We didn't expect it either."
The food now beside the point, the blonde quickly set the pot down on the small glass table. "Wait, now I want to know. Who or what is in your cell and why?"
Minutes passed and Steve did his best to explain the story reasonably quickly but still understandably. Again and again Clint and Nat threw in information alongside, perhaps to punctuate his narrative, perhaps to get on his nerves. "And now she's sitting in the cell and everything we thought we knew about her isn't true. So we're starting from scratch again," Steve finished his monologue.
"One thing we do know." All heads turned to Natasha. "What do we know exactly?"
"She was in the Red Room." Silence.
Cautiously, Clint raised his hand. "Wait, Yelena was there longer than you, right?" Nat nodded. "Maybe she still knows her."
The blonde sat up excitedly. "He's right, it's possible I've seen her. I could go to her and maybe I'll recognise her."
Nat shook her head vehemently. "No way!"

"Why did I get involved?"
All four stood outside the door to the cell room. Yelena could barely containher excitement, Steve and Clint seemed neutral and Natasha had spent the last10 minutes trying to dissuade them. To no avail.
"All right, let me in first. When I say, then you come in.". Everyonenodded. Confidently, Natasha stepped through the heavy door and found herselfin the roundish room, with the glass cell in the middle.
There she crouched, a little ball in the far corner of the glass cage. She haddrawn her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Her gaze wentnowhere.
Without looking up, Natasha stepped closer to the glass, no response. Theclearing of her throat made the blonde cringe. She pushed impossibly furtheraway from the window in front of Natasha until her gaze met the Russian's.
Something like a relieved sigh left her lips and hope glimmered in her eyes."Наталья, пожалуйста, выпусти меня." (Natalia, please let me out)
Natasha's gaze remained fixed, "What's your name?"
In one fluid movement she got to her feet and took a few steps closer to thewindow. "Ты меня знаешь. лия, это я!" (You know me. Lia, it's me!)
"All right, that's enough." the redhead snapped. "Yelena,please."
She door opened a second time and Yelena stepped inside. Her gaze wanderedaround the Great Room, impressed, before she stopped next to her sister.
She opened her eyes in disbelief.
"So, do you know her?"
As if Natasha had just hit her out of the blue, Yelena stared at her, stunned."Know her?!" she asked. "Natasha, have you taken a particularlyhard blow to the head lately?" She frowned.
"Of course I know her! So do you!", Yelena's voice rose, rather uncharacteristicallyfor her actually. She fell silent for a moment. "How long has she beenhere Natasha?" she asked, dead serious.
Still not sure what she was getting at, Nat replied, "A little over fourweeks, why?"
Now she was really considering punching her in the face. "Are youserious?"
Yelena turned away from her still very confused sister and walked forward, upto the window. Nina still stood there in silence, but her eyes also widenedwhen she saw the familiar face. "Лена! Пожалуйста, ты же меня знаешь?"(Lena! Please, you know me, don't you?) Yelena had the biggest grin on her faceNatasha had ever seen, "Nina! Of course I do!"
With a punishing look she looked at Nat, "Would you at least be so kind asto finally let her out of the cell?"
Natasha froze. Nina. Of course, how could she forget.
Inwardly she slapped herself one after the other, meanwhile Yelena had openedthe door and was now standing a metre in front of the blonde. She was about tosay something when two arms wrapped around her in a clasp and pulled her intoYelena's warm body. "I thought I would never see you again." Tearsstood in the Russian's eyes and her grip tightened. "Lena, I missed youtoo, but could you maybe not crush me?" Reluctantly she loosened her embracebut did not let go. "Where have you been?" she gently grabbed Nina bythe shoulders and held her in front of her, examining her. "I was worriedabout you!"
"I'm sorry." was the only thing she confessed softly. But immediatelyYelena pulled her close again. "Stop apologising, it's not yourfault!" A small tear left her eyes, quickly she wiped it away. "Nowcome out of this cell." Without listening to any rejoinders the Russiantook hold of Nina's arm and led her out of the cell and past Natasha, shieldingthe two of them from each other.
Still puzzled, Nat looked after the two of them. As soon as the door lockedagain behind them, she let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding.What was she to do now? Follow her, that was one of the first ideas that cameinto her head. But what could she say, she had no real justification.
She had to think of something.

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