Chapter XXXII

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I would like to apologise in advance for any translation errors, unfortunately I do not speak Norwegian...
Also, I haven't read it again, so maybe even more mistakes.


"That's it, you're just buying food?" Natasha acted almost like a crotchety toddler as she followed Nina around the shop, purposefully collecting individual items and thrusting them into her hand. "I told you so, what did you expect?" Nina picked up a packet of something dried that Natasha didn't recognise. "Then why do I have to come with you, you can do this on your own." For a moment the blonde looked up from the ingredients, "Because I definitely wouldn't have left you up there on your own."
A smug grin spread across Nat's face. "Naw, how cute. But I can take care of myself." She lowered her voice a little and stepped closer to Nina. "I'm a big girl." Nina sank her package and looked at Natasha, impossibly unimpressed. "Mhn, sure. Still, I'd never put my sweethearts on the line." Then she pulled the corners of her mouth into a sarcastic smile and added the pack to the pile in Natasha's arms.

As they continued their tour of the shop, Natasha's grumbling slipped further and further into the background for Nina. Something was wrong.
Ånd-by was a lonely village, even by the standards of this part of Norway, and everyone knew everyone, without exception. The first time she had been here she had learned that quickly, the inhabitants missed absolutely nothing.
Finally, they had everything they needed and left the small shop through the glass door. Nina's gaze immediately twitched to the striking yellow eyes between the two SUVs. Natasha's gaze was literally glued to it too, she had never felt such a car so out of place. While Natasha was still sorting out her thoughts, Nina was unobtrusively on the lookout for the owner of the 1973 Pontiac Astre.

"Hei, jeg har ikke sett deg på lenge!" (Hi, I haven't seen you for a long time!) They both flinched at the sudden sound of the voice. Nina turned to the person speaking in a flash, recognising the voice after all. Natasha did the same, but at the same time reached for the small handgun she carried right on her body and pointed the weapon at the intruder. A low, startled chuckle sounded from the older lady in front of them.
"Natasha, what the hell are you doing?" hissed Nina angrily as she saw this action. In one fluid movement she wrestled the pistol from her and stowed it away in her back trouser pocket as quickly as possible. "Vennligst unnskyld ledsageren min." (Please excuse my companion.), the blonde apologised immediately, not without giving Nat another punishing look. "Å, hvem har du med deg, hun har en interessant måte å hilse på." (Oh, who have you brought with you, she has an interesting way of greeting.), the woman waved off jokingly and eyed Natasha curiously, who stared back clearly more belligerent.
The woman had her shoulder-length greying hair in a braid, a few strands of hair framing her, typical of Nordic countries, bright and friendly face. Her eyes were warm, they promised security and warmth and at the same time revealed that this woman was able to hold her own.
Ingrid Nordberg was one of those people who never seemed to have taken a step out of Ånd-by. No one knew exactly how many generations she had lived in her wooden house, she had just always been there. When Nina had first come to Ånd-by, Ingrid had been the one to give her more than just appraising glances, and the blonde had quickly managed to get her in good with the lady; probably one of the most important things if you wanted to survive here.

"En smerte i ræva, det er hva hun er..." (A pain in the ass, that's what she is) Nina muttered as she looked at Natasha. Her sentence was meant for Natasha, but judging by the amused expression that flashed in the woman's eyes, Nina knew she had heard it too. " Dette er Natasha, en..." (that's Natasha, a...) Nina paused because she hadn't decided how to phrase the greeting. Natasha, however, had considered that Nina was taking too long to reply and took matters into her own hands, replying in a slightly aggressive tone, not trusting the woman who was watching her, "Hennes kone." (her wife.)
Nina, already nodding in agreement to make the cover look realistic, jerked her head around. Then she remembered Ingrid still standing in front of them and immediately put on a deceptively genuine smile, "Akkurat, min kjære kone." (Accurate, my dear wife.)
"Jeg visste ikke at du var gift" (I didn't know you were married.) Ingrid seemed honestly surprised, but not in a bad way.
Again Nina nodded quickly, sensing a longer conversation ahead, she would not change the subject. "Vi kjøpte bare noen få ting kort, men hvis jeg møter deg her allerede, har det skjedd noe interessant, er det noe nytt?", (We only bought a few things briefly, but if I meet you here already, has something interesting happened, is there anything new?) she asked, emphatically innocent.

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