Chapter VII

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Steve stared at the stranger. Her slender chest rose and fell quickly, she was still out of breath from the sprint. "Dead end." he spoke triumphantly in a firm voice.

 Her arms moved and he immediately protected his body with the shield. But she didn't draw a weapon, which anyone would have expected. She raised her hands, she surrendered.
Steve, who was cautious, stood a short distance away. He didn't trust this surrender, even if the stranger looked as if she couldn't do much in her condition. However, he lowered his shield as the rest of the group caught up with him. Now she had absolutely no way out. It was perhaps a little unfair, six against one. The woman also looked battered, her black, skin-tight suit dirty and torn in places. The quiver on her back was a little out of place, hanging strangely askew over her shoulder, and the bow did the same. Her eyes were the only contrast. The two organs of sight were the only part of her face that was visible, the lower part, mouth and nose, were covered by a black mask that merged into the collar of her suit.
The upper half was taken up by the hood, which blackened her head to three centimetres above her perfectly arched eyebrows. A few strands of ash-grey hair peeked out from underneath, framing her pale face.

The ice-blue gaze bored into Steve's soul from below, or so it felt. Even in the sparse light, the watery blue eyes shone. Highlighted even more by the corneal ring-like discolouration around the outside of her iris, a space-blue circle.
  Under other, normal circumstances, she would have been truly beautiful, in fact she was even now. Steve stared at the two daggers made of ice, transfixed. The stranger looked behind him, he didn't know who she saw, maybe Bucky. Then her eyes turned back to him. She was beaten, she knew that and he saw it. But she almost seemed to be at peace with her fate, that what was about to happen was sealed.
  Steve blinked, his gaze immediately caught again. There was nothing left of the trapped animal, cornered, helpless. Replaced by an almost devilishly infamous glint, like the flickering of the small flame just before the house burnt down.
 Steve backed away, just a few millimetres, but she sensed it and instantly a grin played around the corners of her mouth, making the corners of her eyes twitch almost imperceptibly.

But then she lowered her head forwards and turned her gaze to the floor between her and Steve as a further sign of surrender. From the corner of her eye, she saw a movement, someone was walking around her, but it couldn't be Steve, she had a good view of the tips of his shoes. Nina felt eyes glued to her. Whoever she had slammed the door in the face was probably watching her too; hostile.
  Who the hell were these strange people? Not ordinary civilians, but what organisation did they belong to? Nina rummaged through the drawers of her memory, a man with an oversized frisbee, she felt as if she had read about him before.
Too absorbed in her thoughts, she ignored the other person for a moment, the next thing she realised was a sting in the side of her neck. Fuck. Very quickly the situation had gone in completely the wrong direction for her, but what had she expected? She had surrendered, made herself vulnerable, but at the same time she hadn't posed a threat, so why this now? And what the hell was it anyway?

She had to act quickly, because it probably wouldn't be that long before she felt the effects of the remedy. Nina's left hand reached back to the quiver. In a flash, she pulled out one of the black arrows and in the same movement, she jerked her arm past her side, backwards, to where the person who had injected her with the drug must be. The arrowhead penetrated something, but Nina couldn't see what, because she had to take cover herself. Jumping away to escape the blow of the shield, she pulled the arrow with her, out of the flesh of her unknown victim, who let out a soft cry of pain.
  "Hey!" a strange voice, someone Nina hadn't heard before, called out angrily. As calm as it had been a few seconds ago during the silent truce, it was now so agitated again. The man in the blue suit took another swing at her with his shield. Nina seized this opportunity as she heard the man behind her getting ready to attack. Nearly blacking out, Nina slithered between the blue one's legs like a penguin on its stomach. The fall from the stairs had obviously done more damage than just a cracked rib. A strange squeaking sound reached her ears as she gasped for breath; could that really be the sound of her breathing? It didn't sound healthy at all.
But she couldn't worry about that now, better to breathe badly than to be carried off again. She tried to pull herself to her feet, as she had done earlier on the stairs, and managed to heave herself to her knees in agonising pain. Now only a little bit further.

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