Chapter XXII

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"Ew, that's disgusting." she cursed softly and stepped out of the pool of blood at her feet. Exhausted, she leaned against the wall next to the closed door, her eyes closed. Suddenly she felt the eyes on her. Her gaze met Natasha's through the glass as soon as her eyes snapped open.
"What exactly are you doing?" The two of them stood like mannequins at the end of the queue, Nina didn't know how long, just staring at her.
With an uncertain smile, Yelena pulled the small violas out of her bag, they were all still full. Nina's gaze was glued to the vials, slowly one of her eyebrows went up. "What the hell have you been doing all this time, please!"
"We, we," Yelena couldn't think of much to say. "We were just going to go and collect you and then get out of here." Ashamed, she turned her gaze to the floor. "But we would have had to get the door open first." Now Nina really couldn't think of anything else to say.

The women looked around in confusion as the red dust settled. At last Yelena had opened the violas and released them from their spell. The room was full, with confused women and Nat and Yelena trying to explain everything. At some point the redhead's gaze went back to the glass, to the room with Nina. She had by now slid to the floor beside the door and closed her eyes again. For a brief moment she seemed peaceful, resting a little.
Suddenly her eyes snapped open and panic blazed within them. Natasha could see no danger, you the blue gaze twitched from the door to the window, to Natasha.
Footsteps approached, many, heavy footsteps and they were damn fast. Hectically she looked around the room, it was small, had only one door and no other means of escape. Her anxious gaze met Natasha's questioning one and some hope sprouted in her. "I really don't want to rush, but could you maybe hurry up?"
The blonde Russian looked towards the window, "Why?"
"Because we're about to have visitors and they definitely won't have any macaroni with them." she spoke quickly and just loud enough to reach the other room. "Visitors?" The footsteps were getting closer. "Could you please just hurry up!" she urged, pressing herself against the wall.

The door flew open.
There was a rather dim light in Nina's room, which allowed her to press herself into the shadows beside the door, for now.
The cold stare of one of the Widows landed directly on her. "Hi," she tried with a wry smile.
An unbridled slap to the face made her buckle sideways. Once again Nina found herself in this hell on earth with no way out.

As soon as the door flew open it was clear they had to act. Like a madwoman, Yelena rattled the obviously locked door. An older woman approached her. "Do you have a sharp object?" Nodding, the blonde handed her one of her knives. Silently, the older woman began to tamper with the heavy door. Neither Natasha, nor her sister dared to look into the room behind them, the pain-filled low moans and blows alone were proof enough of the torture for them.
"How do we get over this?" Natasha looked into countless indecisive faces. Absolutely stressed, she massaged her temple in an attempt to form a clear thought. "All right, you guys take some of the vials and find the rest of the Widows. Once you have them all you get down from here, you know how to operate the jets I assume?" Still a little subdued they nodded, that would have to do.
The door clicked, the lock was unlocked.

With one last encouraging nod in the direction of the others, Natasha grabbed her sister and the two of them rushed out the door; they had to get to Nina.
It had taken them a long time, too long, before the air was finally filled with the red dust and the Widows released. One body sank to the ground.
The women looked around the room a little disoriented, Natasha ignored them and dashed to the corner of the room. Lying on her knees, using one arm as a weak support and leaning her side against the wall, she crouched there.
While Natasha sank to her knees beside the blonde, Yelena was busy instructing the others to get out of the base as quickly as possible and search for the others. At last she set the group on their way and left the room, still confused but finally in control of her own senses again.
Natasha crouched beside her and had gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, can you get up?" A gasp escaped the Russian's lips as Nina lifted her head. Blood poured from a cut on her cheekbone, her nose was not broken but swollen and also bleeding. Involuntarily, she pressed a hand to her mouth before a cough made her body tremble. Blood trickled down the corner of her mouth.

They could have used a moment of silence, just collect themselves for a minute.
But this tiny moment of silence was shattered by the loud shrill of a siren. Yelena looked around as indignantly as if someone had just told her macarons were being withdrawn from the range, "What's that now?"
"Nothing positive." Nina groaned and slowly and awkwardly straightened up. Squatting on her knees, she had to pause and try to take a breath for a moment, everything ached. The sirens were getting louder. With shaky hands, Nina propped herself against the cold wall. "I'm definitely out of my mind and my head is absolute mush right now.... But is it just me, or is the ground really shaking?"
She was right, the ground and walls were beginning to shake. Even for a flying base, such behaviour is not meant to happen, they realised.
Nothing happened, the two sisters just looked around lost. Nina braced herself on her shaky legs, her voice carrying its usual motherly, annoyed undertone despite the pain. "What do you do when the walls start shaking?"
Silence, two pairs of confused eyes stayed on her. If one didn't know better, one might suspect Nina was high. More to herself, with her head tilted and her voice absolutely investigative, she threw the question into the room, "How sure are we that this thing is still flying?"

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