Chapter XIX

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Days had passed since that evening. Natasha and Nina always stayed quite close to each other, as if they feared that something would happen to the other at any time. But it was in silence, in each other's presence they hardly exchanged a word, a certain coolness between them. Fearing the two Deadly Assassins, no one ever dared to bring this up, at least not after a certain attempt.
It was Yelena who had dared to do what was on everyone's mind.
They all sat together in the lounge, Nat on one of the sofas next to her sister, her head literally in a pot, no more than half filled with macaroni cheese. Nina sat, legs folded carefully under her, on one of the big armchairs in one of the darkest corners, a thick book in her hands. Not a sound could be heard from her, even the regular turning of the pages was so quiet that it simply drowned in the room. Everyone else was spread out on the sofas or on mounds of cushions on the floor, eating or chatting cheerfully.
Every now and then Nina and Nat stole glances at each other, as if to make sure everything was still okay. The others, who also noticed, cast meaningful glances at each other, waiting for the brave person who would speak up. At last Yelena took courage, put down her fork for a moment and said as casually as possible, "You know we see your odd looks." Immediately the room fell into a tense silence, everyone eager for the conversation that was about to follow.
Natasha's eyebrows had moved up and her eyes bored challengingly into the side of her sister's head. A low whistle left Steve's lips. "I beg your pardon?" Natasha's voice was calm, threateningly calm.
But Yelena was ready to sign her death warrant and took it a step further. "Well, instead of just staring at each other across the room like two psychos all the time, you could just talk to each other." She was really laying it on.
Nina didn't move, her gaze still fixed on the pages in front of her, always listening intently.
"What are you trying to say?"
"She's kind of right." Sam probably didn't want to see another day either and willingly placed his signature next to Yelena's. Natasha just gave him a withering look, but her sister's next words hit her like a board to the head. "Two psychos in love."
Instantly the blonde shrank into herself, a deadly look boring into her eyes. But it was not Natasha's green one. No sooner had the words left Yelena's mouth than she was met by the steel-blue gaze of the one who had so far almost been lost in the corner. Nina. Already used to a certain degree by Nat, the sudden hardness in her eyes stung like a dagger soaked in poison. "You should be aware that the peace that reigns between us can end at any time."
One would have heard the thud of a falling feather. All eyes shifted between the two blondes, their gazes not lingering long on Nina, fearfully averted again quickly. In a pitiful attempt to lighten the situation, Sam laughed briefly, the fear clearly audible. "Hey, I think if anything happens we'll be outnumbered, even you two won't stand a chance." As if in slow motion, the blonde turned her head, not needing to say anything. With her head slightly tilted and one eyebrow raised, it was clear what she meant: do you really believe that? Now even the uncertain laughter had stopped. Maybe Sam would have thought that 5 minutes ago, but the sight of the two women crushed that idea mercilessly. "Anyone else the desire to speak up?" No one dared to move. They all sat there as if waiting for the predator to finally pick one and deliver the killing blow.
A diabolical grin flitted across their lips. Barely visible, gone as quickly as it had come. "Good."
Gingerly, she closed the book, the clashing pages almost booming through the room. In one elegant movement she jumped up from the chair, the book always firmly in her hands. "Now, if no one objects, I would like to retire." Small sparks glimmered heretically in her eyes, "I'm sure Natasha would be happy to answer questions."
Everyone expelled breaths of relief, but only until they remembered that at least 45% of the danger was still sitting on the sofa. "Are there any 'questions' then?" Natasha gave everyone a warning look. "No? Good." She stood up, "I'll see you tomorrow." All eyes followed her as she too left the lounge through the glass door, leaving the others completely baffled. "What just happened here?

"Romanoff!" Natasha paused in her movement. "I really hate to say it, but I need you for a moment," Nina's voice rang out from the door of the Gyms. "We're training right now," Steve interjected, a mistake. "And 'we' are about to have a problem if Romanoff doesn't come with me!"
"Go on Nat, we can continue here later." Annoyed, Nat put down his boxing gloves and followed the voice. "I really hope you have a good reason." Wordlessly Nina marched ahead, through the corridors to the deserted meeting room. Unprompted, Nat took a seat next to her sister. "Why exactly are we, and only how, here now?" asked Yelena.
"How good of you to ask, I have something prepared." The lights dimmed and a presentation flickered on. "We all know this man, right?" A shiver ran down the spines of the two Russian women. "Right. The problem was that Natasha thought she had solved the problem. Well, wrong thinking." Natasha bit her cheek at this casual mention of her faulty work. "How good it is that you have me," Nina continued with a slight grin. A map appeared, a prominent red dot in the centre. "That's exactly where the Hated Spider sits, the one to catch." Dumbfounded, the two looked at Nina. She remained unconcerned, "While we're at it, have you ever been to Finland?"

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