Chapter XXX

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Natasha stood up, with quick steps she stood in front of the large window. "Unbelievable... What have you done this time?" she muttered. Then she turned on her heel and faced the others. "You can track the jet, right?" Tony nodded immediately, "Obviously-"
"Then go get to it, this makes it look worse for her than it has to be." Tony pulled out a holographic card and typed for just a few seconds. "Weird... The jet doesn't show up on the map..." Tony tapped away on his map while Natasha chewed on her lower lip.
Fury's expression had hardened even further, but he and Maria stayed in the background, watching and trying to assess the situation. Silence surrounded the table, all the others had not really had a clear picture of Nina, but they had respected each other. Fury's statement and Nina's escape only seemed to confuse this vague picture.

"What do you mean 'it doesn't show on the map'?"
"I mean just that, it doesn't show on the map. She somehow has disabled the tracking." Natasha sighed, still electrified, she pulled her phone from her pocket and dialled Nina's contact. As expected, only the mechanical voice informed her that no one was available. "Try tracking her phone even though I doubt that it'll work." Tony did as he was told, only to shake his head.
Natasha felt the headache growing and massaged her temples as she fired off a volley of silent Russian curses. Steve would have understood the meaning of the words from the intonation, but said nothing. Not saying anything else, Natasha moseyed out of the meeting room. "Where are you going?" called Yelena as she jumped up and followed her sister. "To find out where she is headed. There hast to be some kind of clue."
Straightaway the two went to the lab where Nina had spent so many hours, filled with the remains of her 'firstborn child', as she called the jet. More or less aimlessly, the two searched the room, rifling through piles of papers lying on the tables and digging through the mountains of technology. But they found nothing, absolutely nothing, that even resembled a clue.

«Hey, Nat... Has this always been here? » Natasha turned around and saw Yelena pointing at a piece of the plane. "What is that?" she asked, not being able to see the piece properly from her position. "Some kind of screen... Looks like it's been tinkered with recently." Natasha came around the table to stand next to Yelena, staring at the screen with her sister. The thing wasn't dusty, and a lamp on a nearby tool showed that the screen was powered.
«How does it work? », Natasha's eyes scanned. «How would I know? This is he first- No, second time I see this.»
«You did work with the screen briefly before we got shot down-» Yelena tore her gaze from the screen and glared hostilely at her sister, «Yea, well, that can't be called 'working with it', more like 'doing something and hoping it works'.»
They were both silent, at a loss for an idea of what Nina had done with this particular thing when there were clearly more, perhaps even more important, parts spread around the room.
«Could this be one of her riddles? Like the ones before?», askes Yelena. «It could be, but we would need the screen to work to find out.» Tentatively Natasha fiddled with the screen, nothing happened. Exasperated, she closed her eyes and massaged her temples, 'Think Natasha, think! Where is she going?' A near silent whir of a machine powering up made her open her eyes to see the screen light up. She glanced to her side at Yelena looking as surprised as she was. "What did you do?"
"I don't know, I just wiggled some cables."
"I can't believe that I would say this, but thank you Yelena." Natasha smirked as the blonde Russian frowned next to her. "Hey! What is that supposed to mean? I am always helpful!" Natasha choose to ignore the younger woman and focused on the screen instead, letting Yelena voice her obvious dislike for Natasha's comment. The screen glitched slightly before shutting back down. "Okay, so that was useless... Maybe she was just trying to see if this piece of crap worked?" Nat shoved Yelena slightly, a fond smile growing on her face. "You shouldn't say stuff like that. She thought of the jet as her firstborn."

The two continued going through Nina's paper before calling it a day, retreating to their respective rooms. But Natasha couldn't sleep, no matter what she tried, the thought of where Nina might be just wouldn't leave her mind. She wasn't stupid, she would definitely go to a place where no one would look for her, but where would that be?
It could be anywhere, it could- Natasha sat up abruptly, a lightbulb going in on her head. A place that no one knew. The base in Norway.
Natasha jumped up, changing for a more appropriate attire before gathering anything she would need before heading to the hangar. Getting one of the jets and disabling the tracker on it is easy enough and soon the Russian prepared for take-off.
"You could have told me that you want to go after her by yourself, you know?" Yelena's voice called and Natasha turned to see her little sister standing a small way from the jet. "I know, but this way there was a smaller chance that you would whine your way on board. She most likely doesn't want to be found and has gone to somewhere no one knows." Yelena nodded and leaned against the wall of the jet. "So why do you seem like you know where she is?" Natasha was silent for a second. "Oh, I have no idea where she is but I have an idea where to start looking." Yelena nodded slowly. "Right... Well, I am going back to bed, good luck hunting her down." The younger Russian turned away with a wave of her hand and Natasha sighed, relieved that Yelena didn't demand going with her. Closing the back hatch of the jet, Natasha did the last checks and was on her way to Norway.

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