Chapter XV

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They were all speechless and looked after the blonde. "What just happened?" Bucky spoke out what they were all thinking. No one could give him an answer.
Tony cut the silence, broke out of his stupor and turned to Wanda. "What did you see witchy?"
All eyes were on the redhead expectantly. Wanda stared at the door through which Nina had disappeared, in her mind still all the emotions she had just seen and felt. Slowly she shook her head.
"No? What do you mean no?", Tony immediately spoke up. "What did you see?" he asked again. Only to receive another shake of the head from Wanda. "Tell me Wanda." urged Steve.
"I won't tell." Wanda did her best to give her voice strength and assurance, not to allow the others to question her decision. It didn't help. "What do you mean you won't say anything?" Tony's voice was unnecessarily loud.
"Tony.", Natasha warned.
"I'm right after all! She happens to be the only one who can see into other people's heads. She could easily tell us what happened."
Wanda looked at him deadly serious, "Tony, I'm not going to tell everyone what I saw. I wouldn't do that to any of you either!" Somewhat taken back by the Sokivian's suddenly sharp tone, Tony looked at her.
"But then why did you look into her mind in the first place?" Bucky's question was right and yet somehow in the wrong place. "Because I wasn't really thinking, for one, and because it made sure she got out of her spiral." Wanda returned.
They were all silent for a moment, thinking about a possible solution.
"But maybe we can help her if we know what's going on," Sam suggested.
"I think we should give her some time first," Wanda countered. "I take it training is over?" Without waiting for an answer, she too turned and left the room with long strides.
Steve turned to Natasha and looked at her seriously.
"Natasha, what happened?"

About five days had passed and Nina had behaved as she had before. She was silent most of the time, watching everything and everyone instead of engaging in conversations. Several times either Steve or Tony had insisted that Nina and Natasha do their training together, or against each other. It had always ended with Nina taking the older one down with some deft moves until Natasha got fed up and forced her down with considerably more force - and perhaps some unfair means.
After a few such sessions, Nina suffered from several nauseatingly bruised ribs. Natasha got off much more lightly, the actually fatal blow Nina would be able to make was her enemy lying on the ground. And she had no desire to provoke Natasha any further.
One thing that did catch Natasha's eye was the way she was being beaten up by the younger girl, although she couldn't put her finger on it, there was something suspiciously familiar about the fighting style. The one time she had forced Nina to the shooting range she also noticed how precise the shots were. The fluid back and forth of the gun between her hands, she knew it.
Forced was the right word, Nina had stoically refused to pick up a weapon as long as they were in the training room. Whenever it was her turn for this exercise, she had vehemently refused and instead of a pistol, hit the targets with her knife, just as precisely.
Everyone else was still sceptical of the blonde, the incident had not improved that.

Natasha stepped into the conference room, where everyone else was already seated. Most of them still looked tired, it was only 7 o'clock in the morning. All except Nina, Natasha hadn't noticed her at first and had sat down on her lap by a hair. She almost sank into the wide chair, kept silent and stared at the tabletop in front of her. For want of another free seat, Nat took a seat opposite the blonde, next to Clint and Steve, and they all waited for Fury to call this conference.
The door flew open and a broad-shouldered black man, with an eyepatch strode into the room. Nick Fury.
Only by chance did Nat turn her head to Nina and startled.
Nina's already rather pale face was now white as a sheet and she had an expression of panic on her face, as if she had just met death incarnate. Immediately, the blonde averted her gaze from the man in front of the table and stared at the table as if to test whether the wood could stand her gaze.

None of the others had noticed anything, Nina had perfected becoming practically invisible, Fury hadn't noticed her yet and the others had already forgotten her presence.
"How nice that everyone is here. Then we can get started." Fury began his forthcoming lecture. "We have learned information about A Base of Hydra, probably an oasis of information. Information we want. We don't know much about the base itself so there's more risk than usual. Among other reasons, that's why you're all going."
A brief pause arose, Fury letting his gaze wander over those present. "Rogers, didn't you tell me about a new recruit?"
Steve raised his head, looking for Nina before his eyes landed on the slender figure in the chair. "That's right sir," he said, pointing at her. Natasha watched as the last bit of blood left Nina's face, now almost glowing against the dark leather of the chair.
"Ah, right. She'll be there too, if you think she'd be any help?" asked Fury Steve, as 'team leader'. Natasha clearly saw the blonde's hesitation, he what not sure, or he was sure and just didn't want the new one there.

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