chapter 1

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Gen pov

I just finnished a highway chase. Someone was smuggling money and going 20k over the speed limit. It was stressful. But.. I'm gonna go to the Cafe and get something to eat and drink.

I walk into the Cafe and I'm greeted by mitsuri, the manager of the Cafe. She's holding three plates of each arm. "Hello genya! Hows it going?" She asks "good! Yourself?" She nods. "Never better!" She says, nearly letting a plate slide. "Do you need help..?" I ask her. She shook her head. "Thanks for asking tho!" She fast walked over to some tables to give the food to the customers.

I walked up to the counter. I was greeted by the long-haired barrista. "Oh- hey genya. A long black, right?" I nod. He smiles. "Your getting better with your memory." I say. "Aha- thanks!" He says happily. He heads over to the expresso machine to make the drink. "I'm making you a hot chocolate." He tells me. "I don't need one-" I say. "Making you one anyway, and it's free.. actually the coffees free too bc I'm nice." He says with a smirk

"Are you sure..?" I ask him. "Of course. Just don't tell obanai-" he says.

He starts battling his fringe. Which was getting in his eyes.

"Stupid fringe-" he whispered. I stifled a laugh at that. He then handed me the coffee.

"Do you want me to sit with you?" He asked me. "Are you allowed?" I asked him. "If obanai doesn't notice." He replys. I look at him with a look saying 'really?' And he smiles at it.

He seats ne down at a table. "So.. any new interesting police chases I haven't heard about yet?" He asks me

"Yeah, we had one today. Someone smuggled money then went like 20k over the speed limit." I say, his jaw drops. "Wow.. it must be scary being a policeman.. or policewoman." He says, taking his hairtye out of his, ridiculously long hair. "Yeah- it can be pretty terrifying.." I say.

His hair looked really pretty. It was really shiny, and long.

"Are you.. allowed your hair out?" I ask him. "Yeah- I think.. I just tye it up cause it's an inconvenience sometimes.. and because of- obanai-" he laughed at the end. I did too. "Of course-" I say. "Do you want the hot chocolate?" I ask him. "Oh- I don't mind.." He says. I slide the hot chocolate across to him. He picks it up. "No drinking on the job mui!! I told you that!" Mitsuri yells, playfully. "I forgot." He yells back. I chuckled A little. He looks at me. "I need to get back to work soon- hey, I'll make a hot chocolate. Give it to sanemi and say it's from me." He says, smiling while grabbing his hair into a a low ponytail and tying it off. I laughed. "Sure-" he quickly sneaked back and made one. "Tokito- who's that for?" Obanai peered over his shoulder and at muichiro. "Genya.' He replies. Obanai gave him a weird stare, then me. "Kay then.." He says. "Okay before I get fired, bye!" He says, handing me the hot chocolate in a takeaway cup. "Bye mui!" I say

I walk off and wave to him. Muichiros really nice. I'm glad he's getting better with his memory, he's able to remember small things. Like name, age, birthday and normal orders, well.. that's for me atleast.

I've known him since this Cafe opened. He's been the barrista since day one. He's really pretty. Wait- what am I thinking?!

Oh god- stop thinking like that! He's a friend. Nothing weird. Gotta admit he's pretty tho.. handsome? I dont know-
Hmm, well I should probably get back to work. Just in case, and give this hot chocolate to nemi- ah, it should be fine. But I will drop In the hot chocolate. I walked in and left it on his desk. Then went home. I was quite tired, so I got out of my uniform and went to sleep. What if I did like him.. he wouldn't like me, I'm too scary.. and he's quite small and simple.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now