chapter 15

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Mui pov

'Gengen..?' He put with an image of his extremely, red face.

'Yes, gengen.' I put. 'Where-whered that name come from?' He was still blushing extremely hard judging by the image. 'Me' I took a picture of me doing a smug face. 'Okay- are you getting ready for work?' He asks. 'I'm gonna see mum and dad. So no- and obanai barely let me off..' 'oh, cool. Have a nice time!' 'Bye gen.'

I put my phone on the floor next to me. I put my hair in a ponytail, and got into my shirt that mum and dad gave me for Christmas. It's got a blue colored sunset on the back and the rest of the shirt is just black. Mum gets me alot of stuff that matches my hair and eyes, it looks really good on me and she loves giving yuichiro and I gifts, but yui doesn't really wear casual stuff. Probably because he's a business man but yeah-

I threw on some jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I wanted my hair out. I took it out and messed it up a little bit. It's really straight so it just needs a little bit of a fluff. I grabbed my bag with all my stuff and texted mum that I'm on my way. I did however, stop into the police station to say hi to genya.

I walked in the front door and saw genya and another policeman with him. They were chatting, but genya looked extremely bored. "Hey gen!" I say, patting him on the shoulder. He turned around at me and looked really happy. "Hey mui! I thought you were seeing your parents?" He asked. "Oh, yeah I just thought I'd stop in- is that okay?" I asked. He gave an eager nod. The guy he was talking to seemed to have his hand on geyas lap and was quite close to him. "Oh- this is muichiro, mui, this is Misaki." He said, putting his arm around me. "Your pretty" Misaki says, winking at me. I scrunch my face up in a disgusted way.

"Yes, and I'm also a guy."

His eyes widened. "Oh- your- *cough* quite-" "feminine, I know." I cut him off. "Anyway, love you gen!" I say, kissing him on the cheek.

I don't like how close that misaki guy is, so I'm making sure he knows genyas mine.

I look at Misaki dead in the eyes as I kissed genya.

He looked pissed at me and we were both looking at eachother. We both knew what game we were playing.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now