chapter 23

563 15 12

Mui pov

Well- the friend group knows genya gave me a hickey, which is just awesome.

Oh my goddd- zenitsus gonna be so fucking annoyingggg-

I say, scrunching up my hair in frustration. "Aughhhhhh-" I let out.

I'm just gonna tell yui, he might be able to help-

I got on the call with my brother

Mui: hey yuiii-
Yui: you good? You seem off-
Mui: you know my group chat
Yui: the one with tanjiro and that?
Mui: yep.
Yui: hm?
Mui one of them pointed out I had a hickey and now everyone in the chat knows..
Yui: ..
Mui: yeah..
Yui: uh.. just try not to do much. They'll only be annoying about it to get a reaction out of you.
Mui: mkay.. thank you yui-
Yui: anything else?
Mui: nah, love you!
Yui: love you too mui


okay.. that kinda helps..

Oh god- oh wait- is genya alr-? They'll be annoying to him too.

I'll message him in the morning, it's getting late.

I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I look at my neck in the mirror, the hickey was going away quite fast.

Bit it was still quite dark- I should probably ask mitsuri if I can use her foundation or I'd she can help em find the right shade for me so I can cover it up. Or something else that can cover it up.

Hm.. genya definitly did a good job at it-

Oh my god, that night was so weird..

I put on my pajamas, and decided I would try braiding my hair before I sleep. Yui used to do it and said it was really easy to brush my hair in the morning after.

I had to watch a tutorial though..

Even though I've had long hair for basicly my whole life. I still don't know how to braid it- I can barely do a ponytail and bun.

I started braiding it.

During it my phone buzzed.

Mui I'm so sorry about the group chat thing!

I opened my phone.

Mui: nono, don't worry! It's fine
Gen: are you sure?
Mui: yes, I was actually just about to message you to ask if you were okay-
Gen: ohh okay-
Mui: okay, I'm not trynna get out the conversation, I'm just really tired. But I'm going to sleep
Gen: oh, bye <33
Mui: love you <333333

I make my bed, then jump in and hug my pillows, well- squish them in anger about zenitsu. But ill just sleep so the thought goes away.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now