chapter 5

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Mui pov

I'm bringing genya over to my house. We quickly stopped at his to get some stuff first.

His house is really nice. He told me to help myself to anything in the fridge so I grabbed some strawberries. They're most likely my favourite fruit.

We head back to my house, he looked around fore a little bit. Which, is reasonable. I quickly ran into my room to put away some stuff that was lying around when I heard him yell "WOAH MUICHIRO-" I immediately ran over to him. "You okay?!" I ask him, concerned. He points to the pile of broken hairbrushes. "Oh- uhmm.." I say. "THATS ACTUALLY TOO FUNNY-" he says, cracking up. I started to laugh a little too.

Timeskip to after dinner.

"Arigato for the food!" he says. "Nah, no worries. Want a drink?" I ask him, "what's the bet you have a whole ass expresso machine?" He smirks. "I do-" I say. His jaw dropped. He was clearly joking but the poor guy was concerned. "I- what drinks can I have?-" he asks. "Basicly anything you'd get at the Cafe, and I have alot of Starbucks shit so like-" "whipped cream?" He cuts me off. "You want whipped cream..?" I ask him. He nods his head eagerly. "Where is it?" He chuckles. "I'll get it-" I say, I quickly get the whipped cream and give it to him "can I spray it in my mouth?" He asks, I laugh. "Yeah sure-" I say.

He sprays it in his mouth and it went all over the place. I started laughing my head off at him trynna eat the whipped cream. His face was stuffed with it. I grabbed the can, spayed some onto my hand and put it on his face. He started choking on it so he spat it into the bin.

"You okay-" I say, still laughing my ass off. "Yeah-" He replies. "Okay- uhh- wanna get ready to sleep?" I ask him. Still, lmao-ing.

He nods and he walks into the bathroom to get changed. I was also changed and we decided to sit in the lounge and talk. I started brushing my hair as we spoke and he asked me a question. "Could I please do your hair? It's fine if you don't want me to!" He asks, he went a little red too. "Sure I guess-" I say. I face my back to him and shuffle towards him.

"Jeez your hairs long- like- longer than it looks-" he says, separating a peice. "Yeah- I'm thinking of cutting it tho." He he brought his face near mine with a confused face. "How much-?!" He asks. "Probably really short". I say, bringing my hand near my jaw, signaling the length. "Why?!" He asks. "Idk, I mean. I always got bullied for it and I guess it's not- manly or whatever. Idk-" I say. "You were bullied?" He asks me. "Yeah, they'd pull my hair, bring scissors near it. Say I look like a girl and do other stuff like that." I say. "Aww.. Im Sorry that happened." He says. "And about the girl looking part. It doesn't make you look like a girl. It's just- associated with females. Your quite masculine actually." He says, braiding my hair. I felt a bit better. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah! I think that you having long hair is cool. In my opinion, guys with long hair is hot." He says. "You find me hot huh?" I say, trying to get a reaction out of him, he was definitly blushing. i couldn't see him but I could tell by the aura.

"I- yes- WAIT NO SORRY-" he blurted out. "Oh my goodness-" I say, smirking. I looked behind me, he was red as hell. "I didn't mean thattttttt" He says.

"Don't worry." I say, patting him on the shoulder. He goes back to doing my hair. "So, what's hot about long haired guys?" I ask him. "I don't know, they're just more attractive." He replies. Huh.. weird.. I was always told it was ugly.. or girly..

"So if I cut my hair I wouldn't be hot anymore?" I ask in a joking tone. "You're trynna get me flustered again.. aren't you?" He asks on a playfull tone. I shake my head. "Wasn't intending to-" I say. He pulled on my hair slightly, it didn't hurt but he knew. "I'm so sorry!" He said. "No don't worry, I've had it tugged much worse than that." I say. "Mkay- but muichiro why would you cut off all your hair? It's so beautiful and long." He asks. "Well- sometimes it's annoying or I get called feminine or the t slur. But I do like playing with it and since I've had it for so long I feel like it'd hurt me.. mentally-" I say. "Yeah.." He says. He finnished the braid and I looked at it. "Woah- I've never seen my hair braided before-" I say. "Really?!" He asks. "Yeah, it looks really good-" I say. Genya and I then head off to bed.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now