chapter 24

587 13 66

(Little disclosure, muis kinda- loopy at the moment so don't mind how he's acting-)

Mui pov

I have extra work today- great!

Oh well- imma go get ready.

I just put on some regular shorts and a baggy light blue shirt. I go to grab my hairbrush but then think.

Maybe I should keep my hair in the braid? I mean- it would probably be better for work.


Hm, what should I do with it? What if I just- OW-!

the hairtye was stuck in my hair. I stop tugging it and take a deep breath, 'it's okay mui, it's fine- it's just a little hartye. You can get it out." I tell my self and attempt to take it out again. To which I end up struggling.


It's stuck- fuck this.

Should I just..

I walk into the kitchen and grab a pair of scissors.

'Should I?' I ask myself out loud. And, I put the scissors close to the hairtye. And instead of being sensible and cutting the hairtie..

I cut my hair

Not much tho, just a little.

I then looked at the hairtie. 'Shiiiiiit' I say. I got my phone and texted genya

Mui: I cut my hair bc it was stuck in a hairtye 😁😁😁😁

I turned off my phone, and then felt it buzz


mui: not much-
Gen: oh- thank God

I turned off my phone and went to the bathroom. I looked at my hair

It was uh


But I just shrugged it off. Which I shouldn't have done because you could very much tell there was a chunk missing..

I dont feel right today- I feel very-


But I haven't been drinking- have I taken anything?

Maybe im just tired as fuck.

Yui the ultimate overprotective brothe..
Mui, can we catch up today? Or I can maybe meet genya. I'm still at mum and dad's.

'Yui!' I say outloud. I grab my phone

Mui: sure, when should I bring him over?
Yui: I don't mind. Tell him to dress up though,
Mui: why-?
Yui: wait actually no, I wanna see what he would normally wear..
Mui: okayy, bye yui
Yui: 👋👋
Mui: don't be cold to him
Yui: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Yui: why not?
Mui: if you had a boyfriend and I deathstared him and made sure he was scared of me what would you do?
Yui: 😹
Mui: bruh

Hm.. gotta see genya then- WAIT SHIT I HAVE WORK


I run into my drawers and put something on, just regular shorts and shirt. Then give my hair a quick brush. I run downstairs, phoen in hand and shoes on. Hey weren't on but good enough.

I run into the Cafe, "MUI!!" I get immediately greeted while I huff and puff. She pats my back, "are you alright?" Kanjori asks me, I nod. "Oh jeez what happened to your hair- turn around-" she says,

Well shit. Mitsuris noticed

"MUI THERES A BIT OF YOUR HAIE CUT OFF-" she whisper shouts, I nod. "I did that-" I reply. She looks at me like I'm crazy, "why in the actual heck would you do that-?" She adds, "hairti-" "THEN CUT THE HAIRTIE NOT YOUR HAIR!" She whisper shouts, again.

"I'm sorry-" I say, "your poor hair." She pouts. "Its hair, it has no feelings-" "if I cut a chunk of my hair, you'd notice it right?" She asks, "hmm.. probably?" I reply. "EXACTLY! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH THAT??" She asks, "tie my hair u-" "MUI NO!"

I look at her,

"You!" She says with a clap between each word. I nod, "oh god- do you just want me to fix it now?" She asks. "Sure?" I reply, she drags me back into the back of the kitchen. Staff bathroom kinda

"Okay, sit down-" she says. I sit.

I wouldn't let anyone else do this to my hair with this much trust. But mitsuri..

She wouldn't cut my hair even if I apyed her 1000 bucks

She grabbed a pair of scissors and evened out my hair, I could slightly see little bits of my hair being cut from the corner of my eye. "Mui if this happens again I'm not helping you." She tells me. "You'll give into it and do it because you'll feel bad for my hair." I reply,  she looks at me with a pissed but playful expression, "yeah, that's probably true-" I reply.

"I don't like doing this to your hair- even if it's only around two inches off-" she complains. "Its my hair-" I reply. "True, anyway I'm done- NOW GO TO WORK BEFORE IGURO KILLS YOU!" She scooches me out. My hair felt weird being freshly cut, I used to it being dry and broken if I'm honest-

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