chapter 18

622 19 15

So mui was only there for dinner and they had finnished eating lol

Mui pov

I'm walking back home, I had my hair in a ponytail because I was eating. But I was too lazy to take it out so I just left it.

I got a text from genya asking to come over. I of course said yes, and to just head over now.

I had my headphones on, listening to music and not caring about anything. I stopped off at obanai and mitsuri's Cafe.

I ordered some cookies, a drink and a few others things. Just to make up for me not being there today- even tho they were fine with it

"Hey mui!! You'd need anything?" I got tackled with a hug as mitsuri said that. "Oh- no I was just grabbing something to eat because I felt guilty about not working today-" "NO DONT WORRY ITS FINE!!" I got cut off. "Im still buying some" I reply. She looks at me playfully.

"Hm Fineee- but you get a free cookie cus I didn't sell them all-" she says, handing me a cookie that was a cloud and had edible glitter on it. I don't like sweet stuff but mitsuri makes sure any cookie or treat she gives me isn't too sweet- so I took a bite of the cookie.

It was SO good. She makes these ones have icing with blossoms soaked into it. And the cookie itself is shortbread.

Probably one of my favourite cookies she makes. But it still is quite sweet, to me atleast-

I grab my drink and other things and start walking home. I finished my drink relatively quick and came past the alley way that's close to my street, I went to look down it to see if there was anyone or anything down there, just to be carefull- I saw someone down there.. so I ran quite fast..

I got to my house and quickly got into my pajamas (since it was night) and brushed my hair and teeth. Genya arrived soon after, he was also in his pajamas.

"Hello genya!!" I say, hugging him. "Hello mui, how were your parents?" He asks. I nod, "how was your day?" I ask him. "Good thank you." He says with a smile.

( a Lil while later)

We were watching movies in my room, I have a tv in my room so I can watch movies and sit in bed.

We're both in my bed, and it's freezing- like genuinly freezing..

It was meant to snow today but didn't, I'm sad it didn't. It would've been fun- but I probably would've missed it anyway when I was at mum and dad's so it doesn't matter too much.

I curled up under my blankets really tight. And stole some of genyas blanket. He realized and looked over at me so I put a playful face on, he did too and tugged the blanket too which I did back. "Nah you can have the blanket-" he says laughing a little.

I took a little bit of the blanket and rolled into him. Curled up into his arm and rested my head on his shoulder. He noticed and started blushing HARD, like- redder than the colour red itself. "Is this alright?" I ask him. He nods in a sheepish way. He was blushing so much it was cute.

I lay on him, well- put my body weight on him and got really relaxed, I could tell he was too, but it was hard for him since he was all tense and blushing.

"Do you wanna sleep? It's getting late.." He asks me, trynna stop his blush. "Yeah sure." I say. We both lay down and I was still close to him. I was still cold. Shivering cold, but it was f- "Are you cold?" He asks me, I nod. I felt him pulling me towards him, he ended up holding me in his arms

We were.. cuddling..

"Is this okay..?" He asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist and I curled into him. "Mhm" I let out in a mumble tone. He rubbed my back slightly.

It felt nice..

this was nice..

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now