chapter 14

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Mui pov

I got a message from mitsuri.

"Sorry mui! I'm not free this week to do your hair, again sorry! Bye!"

Well crap. That's not good- I can just.. do it myself later- but I have to get ready to see mum dad and yui- oh I'm so excited! I miss yuichiro so much since he moved away..

I'm gonna go jump in the shower, then I'll check my notifications and do everything else. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. My pain in the fucking ass hair. I ran out of conditioner which sucks. I got out, wrapped a towel around my waist and started brushing my teeth and hair. My phone was sitting on the sink, I have it in there just incase someone's in trouble and needs to call me. And got a notification from genya. It had a picture of a flashlight and was captioned 'wyd?'

I took and abb shot- I had to. And captioned it 'nothing hby?' He sent me back a snap of his face, he was red asf.

'Nothing- is mitsuri doing your hair today?' I took another picture but it was a picture of my hairbrush. 'She was gonna, but we both have plans-' he messages back quickly after. 'I don't think you should cut your hair' with a picture of his little bisexual ghost. 'Why do you think that?' I put, with a picture of the tiled floor. 'It's really long, I mean- think how long it took you to grow it and now your just cutting it all off?' He captioned with a picture if and egg. I thought for a moment..

He's got a point.. it's kinda a part of me. And I did kinda use it as an example of why genya shouldn't hate his scars so..

'True- maybe I'll keep it. But it's not like- too important to me..' I caption with a picture of my tooth brush. 'Is there.. a different reason why your cutting it..?' He asks. I stood in confusion for a bit then realized what he meant.. atleast I think I do-

I think he thinks it's a stress thing or whatever but it's really not- and it's not about moving off a crush-

'Genya I'm not stressed, if your worried about me I'm completely fine!'

'Muichiro I'm worried it's because of trauma like you mentioned, or something along the lines of that..'



Well that is a big part in it.. uhhh..

Hold on

'Nah dw, I'm fine genya. It's just cus it's annoying and hot-' I put with a picture of my face. 'Mui it's winter- I understand the annoying part but I'm just worried about you.' He replies. My heart felt warm knowing that he worries about me but I also don't wanna stress him. 'Gengen I'm fine.' I put. He took a moment to respond.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now