chapter 8

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Okay, so for a certain word I'll be replacing the 'i' with a 1. Just because it makes me feel more comfortable, thank you.

Mui pov


I start rapidly searching through my drawers in hopes of finding something, concealer, foundation, bandaids- anything that could cover the h1ckeys.

"Mui- you good. I can hear you searching through your drawers." Genya asks, walking in. I had a towel around my waist and hairbrush in hand. "You need help with your hai-" "look what you gave me." I cut him off. Lifting my hair up to show him. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "I- I am so sorry-!!" he said, covering his mouth. "Its fine, just. Do you have anything to cover it up?" I ask him. He shook his head, still in disbelief. I walked outside the room into the kitchen. He followed behind me. "Again, I'm so sorry.." He says. "Nah, don't worry, I just need to cover it up before mitsuri or obanai tell literally everyone." I say. "There's no work today tho-" he says. "I have a meeting with them about some stuff."

"Oh, wait I have some bandaids- or is that too obvious?" He asks me. "I'll try the bandages." I reply, he hands me the bandaids and I put it on my neck. It covers it up. But it's still quite obvious.

"I'll just keep my hair over my shoulder-" I say, looking at the bandaids on my neck. "Yeah- I'm so sorry." Genya says soon after. "Nah don't worry, you were drunk. It's fine." I reply, he nods.

I go back to brushing my hair. He started to brush his teeth, I could tell that he felt guilty.. I felt bad.

"Genya.. it's fine dont worry." I say, patting him on the shoulder. "I just feel like I might ruin your reputation or something.." He says. "I'll just say I was uhh- testing out a tiktok hack and it worked." I reply. He chuckled. "As if that'll work-" he says. "Eh- I'll find something." I say.

I get a call from sanemi. "Oh- your brothers calling me-" I say. I answer it. "Is genya at your house?!" He says in a mad tone. "Uh- yeah. He was too drunk to go home last night so I was the designated person to look after him-" I reply. "What's that on your neck tokito?" He asks. "Oh- I was tryi-" "WAIT WAS THAT GENYA?!" He yells into the phone.

"Uhhh-" I reply anxiously. "GENYA GET HOME RIGHT NOW!!" he yells. "I'm hungover. I'm staying at muichiros." Genya says. "then I'm coming to yours tokito." He replies. "WHAT-?!" Genya yells. Sanemi ended the call. "Uhhhh- should I be scared?" I ask genya. "Nah- I should be though.." He says in sarcastic voice.

Genya quickly got changed, but I was still in my pajamas.

Sanemis car came down my driveway. "Oh- he's here." I tell genya. Sanemi stomped up to the front door and technicly busted it down. "hello-" I say. "WHERES GENYA?!" He shouts. "I'm here.." He says, anxiously. Sanemi lifted up my hair on my neck. "WHAT IS THIS-?!" He yells. "Uhh- an uhh.. love bite.." genya replues

He let's my hair fall out of his hand as he rushes towards genya. "YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE DOING THIS!!" he yelled. "IM 20!!" Genya yelled back. Sanemi sighed. "Mui I'm so sorry this happened.." genya said. "Nah don't wor-" "WHY WERE YOU SLEEPING WITH TOKITO?!" sanemi yelled at genya. "I WAS DRUNK OKAY??" He yells back. "NEMI, WERE LITERALLY AT MUICHIROS HOUSE, STOP YELLING. SAVE IT FOR HOME-" genya yelled. Sanemi looked at me aggressively. "Tokito, genya and I will be leaving." He said with an aggressive smile. "Oh uhmm- bye-" I say. Sanemi grabbed genya by the shirt and dragged him into the car and drove off.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now