chapter 7

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Some sussy stuff in here, just warning ya

Mui pov

Genyas at the pub right now. Tanjiro said he'd pick him up since he's picking up zenitsu.

So I'm just gonna rest until he gets back. I took my hair out, and put on my pajamas. They're just an oversized short sleeve shirt and big shorts. I lay down. And got my phone out to watch tiktok. I came across a video of genya. 'Oh- he has tiktok' I say aloud. I follow him,

He definitly has a crush on me. I can tell- he tries to hide it but.. it's pretty obvious. And.. I think I like him back..

I continued to scroll through tiktok. I came across a video of tanjiro and it was him with a concerned face with text saying 'so apparently zenitsu nearly got run over by a truck. Should've never agreed to him going.'

I immediately commented 'too bad he didn't.' Being the person I am. It was now about 10 at night. I feel like sleeping. I heard a knock on my door. I got up and looked through the peephole. 'Tanjiro?' I thought.

I opened the door. "Here's genya- he definitly can't stay on his own. He's drunk as hell-" he says, genya looked loopy. I immediately let him in. "Thanks tanjiro" I say and close the door. "Genya you good-" I say, turning around to see him on the floor. I go up to him. "I'm heading to sleep soon. You should too, Kay?" I say. He grabbed me and pulled me onto the floor with him. 'Wo-AH!' I let out as I thumped onto the floor. What's he doing- he hugged me really tight. "Helloooo~" he says in a happy voice.

Great. He's a clingy drunk.

"Hey genya- I think we should both head to sleep. I say, trying to get out of his arms. "Can I come with youuuuu" He says. I mean- he's not gonna do anything weird I don't think.. uhhh, fine. "Okay, fine." I walk to my room. Genyas acting like a big puppy. I can't tell if I do or don't mind it..

I got into my bed and he lay next to me. He cuddled me- kinda..

I don't like physical touch. I mean- hugs are okay but not really anything else.. he brought his head near mine. I thought he fell asleep.

Huh.. genyas the only one I'm actually comfterbl- OW-!

I felt a sudden pain on my neck. It was genya. "Genya what are you doing-?!" I say, pushing his face away from mine. He grabbed me tighter and pulled me near him. "Genya-" I say louder.

What is he doingg-

He didn't do anything else weird that night, except for cuddle me- which was actually kinda nice.

"Oh my god. why are you cute when your drunk-" I curse.

The morning

I woke up, genya was next to me. He was definitly hung over, he had huge bags under his eyes. "Muichiro why am I in your bed-" he asks me, blushing. "You came in here, cuddled me and wouldn't leave-" I told him. He went 10 shades deeper in red. "IM SO SORRY-" he apologizes. "Don't worry- it was actually kinda cute." I smirk. And of course, he went deeper in red. "Aight, imma go shower. Help yourself to anything in the fridge." I say, getting out of bed.

I jumped in the shower, washed my hair, did all that stuff and got out. I started to brush my hair when i looked at my neck-


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