chapter 25

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Mui pov

Should I tye my hair up now-? It should be fine, mitsuri evened it ou-

"Tokito." Obanai says.

Fuck, this isn't gonna end well-

"Yes?" I ask, "a few things, but all of them have to do with your hair." He says.

I hate everything. Why, WHY OBANAI?! HES TERRIFYING

"Oh, my hair?" I ask again. "Yes, the hair that is in the bathroom." He says, "that- that was mitsur-" "don't blame this on mitsuri. Why is your hair in the bathroom?" He interrogates me. "Mitsuri cut it- I'm not lying, ask her" I reply. "I will. And two, tye it up. It's annoying" He tells me. "How is it annoying, it'd only be annoying for me and it's not." I say back. "Its annoying to fight the urge to grab scissors and cut it." He states.

"Uh- yeah b-" "and just saying. For being nineteen, you should know men should have short hair. I'm fine with shoulder length or anything that isn't overly long. But yours is past your hips."

Damn, say what you feel much.

"I'm allowed to have long hair." I tell him. "Do you just want me to tie it up? Is that what you want?" He asks angrily. "Yeah actually. I'd like to see you try." I reply, pissed.

He looks at me angrily and gives me a stare. "Go on." I say, "I'm able to fire you. You do know that." He tells me. "Then do it. But, mitsuri won't like it, and you wouldn't wanna hurt mitsuri, would you?" I reply in a petty tone.

He just stares at me angrily for a while. "Fuck you." He tells me. He then grabs my hair and tugs it, hard. As hard as he could. "Tie it up." He says before walking away.

No way I'm tying it up now. I'm leaving it out to piss him the hell off.

I am back to making a latte. "Riley." I yell. A customer comes up and grabs the drink. "Have a nice day." I tell them, "okay." They reply.

Damn, should I take their drink back? It's tempting..

Nah, obanai will get even more pissed at me. "Exceuse me?" Someone says, they were trying to order. Noones here- I'll just do it.

"Yes? Are you ordering?" I ask, "no, I just wanna give you a tip. I've seen how hard you work as the barrista." The lady says. "Oh- thank you!" I say. She gives me a dollar. "Thank you!" I repeat. She nods, "have a nice day!" She tells me. "You too-" I reply, she walks out the door.

"Who was tha- tokito. Why is your hair out?" I hear from behind me. "Because. It's my hair." I reply. "The temptation to cut your hair." He says, trying to scare me. He grabs my hair. "What are you doing-?" I ask, he drags me by my hair into the back part. Where no customers can see.

"If I see your hair out one more time. I'm cutting it." He tells me. "Sure you will." I reply. "I will, I'll get scissors and cut it. Just like that." He adds. "Infront of customers? That's not a good look obanai." I reply. "Tokito, stop being smart." "Stop trynna cut my hair." I reply. "No." "Then no." I say, he just looks at me again, then walks away.

"Oh, your boyfriends here." He says in a mad tone. "Okay." I reply.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now