chapter 10

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Double digit chapter!! (The number of it)
I just wanna say thank you for the support on everything! Love yall!

A few days later

Mui pov

It's my first day at Starbucks. Well- kind of a trial. But I head in, I met the rest of the staff and they seemed really nice. I watched everyone make the drinks first. I didn't know how to make them but they let me make my own drink to test everything. It was a girl helping me. She was- maybe 20? And she held my arm- directing me to do the things. I'm assuming she's doing it to help but it made me feel uncomfterble.

I finnished and drank it. "You have good hair." She told me. I stopped sipping my drink. "Oh- thank you-" I reply. "So- where do you live?" She asked. "Oh uh- I'm near the Kat kafé." I say. That mutsuri and obanais Cafe. "Oh nice, the owners are so nice." She says. "Yeah, we're basicly family. I currently work there." I say. "Nice." She says. "You single?" She asks, I don't think she's being weird but- just incase. "Nah, you?" I reply. "Oh, who are you with?" She asks. "Oh. His names genya." I say. "Oh, your gay?" She asks. "Yeah, got a problem?" I ask. "No, I just thought you'd get a woman." She says. Idk if I should be offended or creeped out.

At the end of the shift I left. I liked it. But idk if I'll stay.

I head into my house. I texted genya to see if he wanted to catch up for dinner. He said yes.

Gen pov

I got a text from mui.

Mui: hey, you free? If so wanna go for dinner?

My face lit up slightly and my face went a little hot.

Gen: ofc! Where are we meeting?
Mui: my house. Just dress casual ifyw
Gen: cool! Seeya
Mui: bye :)

Yes! Should I- should I confess tonight..? Nah, I'll keep it cool. I got on a baggy shirt and jeans and some sneakers. Nothing much but it's fine. I quickly adjusted my hair. I brushed my teeth, and head off to his house.

I parked my car, and walked to his door. I knocked and he answered. He was wearing a mother mother shirt, some jeans and converses with his hair in a messy bun with the front strands out.

I felt my face heat up. "Hey genya." He sais with a smile. "Heyyy!" I say. He gives me a little hug. I started to heat up more. "Hey, sorry I'm not too like- dressed up." I say. "Nah don't worry, I didn't even brush my hair this morning." He replies. "Still looks nice." I say. He smiles, I walk in and take off my shoes.

"Want a coffee?" He asks me. "Oh, yes thanks!" I say. He goes over to the expresso machine to make a coffee. I sat there patiently. "Fuck-" he curses. "You good-?" "Yeah I just got my long ass hair stuck in a grove in the machine-" he replies. I'm not suprised, "that sucks, you good?" I ask. "Yeah it just hurt a bit. And a few bits ripped off-" he replies. I give a concerned face, "oh.. jeez-" I reply. That must be why he ties his hair up. "Anywayyy- want whipped cream?" He said with a smile. "Yes" I say in a sarcastic tone while rolling my eyes and smiling. He gave me a coffee that was overloaded with whipped cream.

He came and sat next to me. "Do you have a drink?" I ask. "Oh- I'm not thirsty-" he says. I nod. "Okay then, just making sure." I say. "So- what're we gonna do for dinner?" I ask. "Oh, we could get food at a nice Cafe and then head to a park or beach I thought. Is that okay?" He asks. "Oh- ah yeah! Sounds nice!"

We head off to the Cafe. He ordered a toasting sandwich and I ordered chips. I don't like eating infront of people because of my size but muichiros not the type of person to judge me.. and I love that about him.. "damn I kinda want chips now-" he says in a sarcastic voice, kinda drifting off. "Oh god-" I chuckle. "You can have some of mine if you want." I say with a smile, he smiles back. "Nah, I won't rob you- I don't want another reason for you to try arrest me for not getting up." He laughed. I smile in return. He's so cute- handsome.. shit idk- "oh- I was at the mall yesterday and got you some stuff." He says, reaching into his black backpack that he always carried around. "Oh- you didn't need to-" I say. He cuts me off my sticking a cat plush in my face. "This isn't what I bought but I want you to have it." He says, I take the cat plush. It looked quite cute, it had one button eye and was quite floppy. But very soft. "Oh- thank you!" I say with a smile. And a bit of blush..

Noones ever done this for me.. I like it.. it makes me happy..

"And this shirt that reminded me of you, I'm pretty sure it's the right size. If not I'll return it but I wanted it to be a bit baggy since that's more comfterble and I thought you'd want it baggy-" he says. I almost wanted to cry.. he's so nice.. "I love it.. thank you.." I say smiling. I look at the was grey and had this really cool pattern with cats and thorns on it. I smiled and looked up at him and he handed me this little ghost sticker that was the bisexual flag colour and order. "Tadaa!!" He says. I take it and put it in my pocket, I stand up. Walk to him and give him a hug. "Thank you so much.. honestly-" I say. "No worries!" He says and hugs me back. Our food arrives and he starts eating my chips straight away. "You said you wouldn't steal-" I say in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah well, it's chips." He replies with a smile. We finnished our food and head off to the beach, he had gone to the bathroom prior with a hairbrush in hand so I'm assuming he had brushed his hair.

Once we got there we sat down, muichiro took his hair out, it wasn't too windy thankfully and he looked so pretty under the sunset..

"Genya watch this." He says, standing up and moving a bit infront of me, he then proceeded to do a backflip. He landed on his knees and I rushed over to him to see if he was okay. "Are you okay-?!" I say, he takes my hand and gets up, in a little bit of discomfort and pain. "Yep- haven't done that before, don't know why I did it-" he says. I pick him up. "A-ah" He let's out. I put him down to where we were sitting and he looks less shocked. Should I-

Should I confess..?

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now