chapter 19

598 19 11

Gen pov

We're.. cuddling..

It's so nice.. I've never done this before.. it's so different-

I rub his back gently and when my hand go's to the top of his back I slightly play with his hair. It's nice, the feeling of cuddling. Especially him.. I can't believe he likes me back.. he's so perfect, I just want to stay like this forever..

He took a deep exhale. I looked at him, "you okay?" I ask. "Yeah.. I just thought I wasn't a cuddly person, but apparently not-" he mumbles with a smile. I smiled back, " I never thought that either. You seem like the type of person to barely like hugs.. no offense-" I reply, he nods. "Just like my brother.." He says

I look at him, "brother?" I ask. He nods, "older twin, his names yuichiro" he says

There is no way I'm not the only person who was in aware of this- I hope..

"Oh wow- so he and you are twins?" I ask, he nods and let out a little chuckle. "Identical. The only way you could tell us apart when we were younger were our personalities and kimonos-" he says, I laughed a little. "Aww, do you guys still look the same?" I ask. He nods slightly, "he has shorter hair than me and wears different stuff but if our hair and outfits were the same we'd be identical-" he says with a little laugh,

"So you have the longer hair?" I ask, he nods. "Well, his would be longer but he got drunk and cut it medium length-" he says

"Hes- able to drink..? Aren't you two the same age?" I ask. "Yeah but he does stuff like that-" he replies. His brother is.. that type-

"Hmm, I'm tired.. are you..?" He asks, yawning slightly, I nod

He nuzzled his face into 1me like a cat, and I pulled the cover over his head leaving a little hole for him to breath, I curled into him slightly, hes so small compared to me.. and he's acting like a small, tired cat.. he's so peaceful, and cute..

I started stroking his long hair.. letting my fingers run through each strand, all the way to the bottom. I saw him slightly flinch at it but warmed up to it almost straight away.

He clinged into me. He seemed so calm, he was just going with it.. he was touch starved, so was I- but the way he curled into me and loved it.. made me feel so happy..

I held him closer, and put my chin on his head and stayed like that. I heard his soft snores and him putting his weight on me meaning he was sleeping. I kissed his forehead and put both my hands on him and pulled us even closer together and closed my eyes to sleep..

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now