chapter 26

395 12 14

Mui pov

I walk up to the front and see genya, "Hey genya!" I say, "Hey mui!" He replies.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you- your meant to meet my family tonight-" I tell him, "and your brother..?" He asks, "yeah-" I reply. He just looks at me, "he's uhh.. intimidating-" genya says, "yep."

I bend close to the counter and give him a small kiss. "Alright, your drink will be up in a bit!" I say in a somewhat cheerful voice, he smiles and walked to the side to watch me make the coffee, but he looked a little odd..

"Hey mui did you trim your hair? Ohh, you did, I remember you saying over text" He said, I nodded. "Mitsuri trimmed it, otherwise there would've been a chunk gone apparently, but knowing her it's probably and exaggeration" I say, leaving a little laugh from genya.

I hand him his coffee and give him a kiss that he returns.

"Can you tell your brother to be nice? He's terrifying.." genya says, making me laugh


At this point in the story, I haven't touched this book in months, so I hope it is okay, and that it stays somewhat to the plot

"Yes, he's always been like that, I'll tell him to be nice" I say with a slight laugh, he nods

"I can't imagine what he's like when he's mad" "Oh it's fucking scary, I snitched on him for something once and yeah, no, never again" 

Genya just laughed and picked up his coffee, taking a sip

"Well, Ive got a lot of orders to do, I'll do those, sorry, I'll be back later, or you can come and talk to me while I'm working" I say, walking behind the counter again

Genya watched me as I made all the drinks, there were a lot of coffees being ordered today, I mean, fair, Mondays suck balls

There was a lady who was quite aggressive for some reason, don't know what her issue is, but, there's always that one person, it's just life

I kept working, making drinks, I was so busy I didn't even realise genya had left

"Oh-" I said, seeing him gone

I checked my phone, seeing a message from him saying that he left since he needed to be at a meeting

"Hopefully he's okay" I said, placing another coffee on a shelf for Mitsuri to give to this one table with a lot of people

"Hey mui, could you please clean the tables? I'm not able to, I've got a lot of work, sorry!" Mitsuri said, placing the plates on some tables, along with the coffees

I nodded, going to the back to get some ckkesning spray and wipes

Sure it wasn't the best job, but, it had to be done, plus, sometimes it was kinda fun? Not often though

At least she isn't doing it, she does like half the jobs in this cafe, Obanai doesn't do shit

In fact, he's basically just 'sit still, look pretty' without the 'look pretty' part

I mean, I might be able to say shit, but bro.. That bitch wears a mask 24/7, his mouth is probably moist from that shit, and it looks like he tried doing a wolf cut using a shaver

Mitsuri took the spray bottle and wipe from my hand, "Thank you mui! I can do the rest on my own, don't worry!" "Ah, you always do everything, are you sure..?" "Mhm! It's time for your break too, so.. Go make yourself some matcha and have a little sit down" 

I felt bad, but agreed, and sat down behind the kitchen, in the staff rooms, drinking some matcha and texting genya

You good gen? 

He's working, I doubt hell reply right this second, I'll just wait until he does, for now, I can play silly ass mobile games

Time flew by really fast. I didn't realise it was already the end of my shift.. Holy shit, how much time did I spend playing those gam-

3.6 hours on subway surfers


Well, that's not good

Oh, genya replied

Yes, I'm okay, don't worry, just got called into work, more trouble of course

I giggled, texting again

You or someone else? 

Some dude was drug dealing to teenagers


I know

Jeez us.. Eh, when I see genya, I'll ask him about it, it's crazy hearing about this stuff

Sorry this took so long, again, wasn't motivated, I'm trying, I really am

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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