chapter 6

887 22 35

It's still night btw

Gen pov

Muichiros brushing his hair.. I really wanna touch it- no! Don't be weird- arghhhh but it looks so silkyyyy

Ykw, fine.

"Hey- can I do your hair. It's fine if you don't want me to!" I say, I hope he doesn't mind- or think I'm weird. "Sure-" he says, I get excited. He shuffle infront of me.

Woah.. his hair is.. much longer than I thought it was.. jeez how long did he grow it out for- oh my god- "wow your hairs long" I say. Separating a Peice and dragging it behind me. "Yeah, I was thinking of cutting it tho-" he replies. WHAT?! NO WAY- NOT SHORT- RIGHT?! "How much-?!" I ask. "Really short." He says, putting his hand near his chin to indicate it. My jaw dropped. WHATTTT NO WAY HES SERIOUS RIGHT NOW- "what- why?!" I ask. He then starts going on about he was bullied.. why would anyone bully someone for that- and the putting scissors to it part- that's just.. mean.. "aww, I'm sorry that happened.." I say. "I actually think long hair on guys is hot." I reply. He looks at me. "Oh, so you think I'm hot?" He says with a smirk. I get flustered and start blurting out stuff.. which lead to uhmm.. some stuff..

Timeskip to morningggg

I let my eyes adjust to the light. I yawned. Ah, do you think muichiros up yet- I got up and walked to his room, he was still sleeping.. he looks really peaceful- "mui, you should probably get up soon-" I say, bending down next to his bed. "Nooooo' he replies, stretching.

He shoves his face into his pillow which I found cute, "come on-" I say, taking his blanket off him. He immediately grabs it and pulls it over his head. "Ugh- this is impossible-" I say. i sat there for about ten seconds to think of how to get him out of bed, and I hear soft snores. "Is he already asleep..?" I whisper. I pat him on the head and leave to get dressed. It's Saturday, so I get the day off. So does mui- I think.

I should go out tonight- meet up with tanj, nemi, tengen. All that shit. I'll message them to see if they want to. Mui isn't the right age so I guess I can leave him here.. right..? Eh- he'll be okay- (in my country gens the right age to drink)

I texted them. Tanjiro replied strait away, he can't come. He's worried about nezuko so yeah-

Tengen can, he's always up for a drink- he's bringing along rengoku and that. Nemi can come and mitsuri, obanai, and giyu are tagging along.

Ah, I'll go tell muichiro, he should know first. I go to his door and knock to make sure he isn't changing. "Come in." He says. I walk in. He was shirtless. Which uhmm- made me blush.. he had abs- for a barrista he has a really good body.

"Oh- i- sorry-" I stutter, covering my face. "Nah it's fine. It's not like I'm a girl, suprisingly." He jokes. I do a nervous chuckle, he puts a shirt on and walks over to me. "You good-" he asks, taking my hands off my face. "I'm fine- I say. Trying every strategy to make my blush less prominent. He smiles at me. "Hey uhmm- I'm going drinking tonight- can you pick me up after?" I ask him. "Oh- sure." He says with a slight smile. "Do you wanna do anything today? Like- before you go out." He asks. "Oh, yeah- have anything in mind?" I ask him. "We could like- head to an arcade or something. That'd be fun!" He says. I nod, "I have nothing against that- when do you wanna head off?" I ask. "Lunch maybe?" He asks. I nod, he smiles and walks into the bathroom to brush his hair. I join him but I brush my teeth instead.

I look at him while I'm brushing my teeth, he's brushing his ridiculously long hair. He separated it peice by peice. "I don't get how you have the patience to brush that-" I say. "And I don't get how your able to pull of a Mohawk." He says in reply. I look at him. "Wait- you think it looks good?" I ask him, "yeah! I've never seen someone be able to pull one off. Was it scary when you like- first cut it?" He asked. I smiled, "thank you, and I've had it since I child so I don't really know-" I say. He smiles and gets back to brushing his hair. "Do you have anything to like- style hair?" I ask. "Nah- I don't do anything with my hair. Sorry-" he says. "No don't worry-" "actually, check in the third drawer down." He cuts me off. I look in the drawer, "oh- there's mousse. Can I use that?" I ask, he nods with a smile, I smile back and put a bit in my hand and style my hair.

"Lol, do you know how to cut a fringe?" He asks with a slight chuckle at the end. "I do but it will suck." I say with a slight laugh. "Eh- good enough." He says with a joking tone. "Id ask mitsuri to cut your fringe if anything." I add. He looks at me. "That's probably smart, okay I'll do that-" he replies. He grabs a hairtye and holds it in his mouth and puts his hair into a ponytail- he looks hot- FUCK, STOP SIMPING FOR HIM!! "Cool, I'm done. How bout you?" He asks. "Yup." I reply. Trynna cover my face incase I'm blushing. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the room. I was blushing- of course.

Mui pov

We get our shoes on and head to the arcade. We grab some drinks on the way, he has some coke and I have monster. He was gonna also get some but coke was like- 2 dollars a can so he just went with it. When we got to the arcade there was one of those basket ball hoop things. I did a little basketball, but I know that genya played in high-school so I immediately pointed at it. "Is that cheating-" he asks. I smirk. "Nah- it's just easy winning." I say. We head over there and won 100 tickets. He got hit in the head a few times, by me.. but that's fine. There was one of those dancing games and- not to brag.. but I slayed.

"Mui- *huff* i- *huff* I'm not fit enough for this-" he huffed. "You'll be fineee~" I say. We continue and genya was sweaty as actual fuck. "You good-" I say, laughing and patting him on the back. He swallows, "yeah-" He replies. "Should I drop you off to the bar soon?" I ask, he nods and we drive to the pub.

•The One Who Caught My Attention• A GenMui Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now