Vengeance pt 3

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Black Hole's P.O.V: 


Bow bolts towards Liy, luckly I get between them as Bow can't get through me (literally).

Black Hole: STOP IT BOW!

Bow: Vortex what are you like doing? Get out of the way!

Black Hole: No Bow, as a member of Death P.A.C.T, I can't meet your request. Yes, Liy was a bad person but that doesn't mean she still is now. People change Bow just.. hear her out.

Bow peers over my shoulder to see Liy who was slightly frozen with fear, but she quickly shakes it off and walks in front of me to confront the ghost of her past.

Liy: Bow.. It's been a long time hasn't it? *sigh* Look, I know what I've done.. I'm sorry for it Bow, really I am, but I know a simple apology isn't enough. 

Bow: Of course just "I'm sorry" isn't like enough, THAT WON'T BRING ME BACK!

Black Hole: Hey, let her finish.

Liy: Your death was very tragic Bow, some people just couldn't move on easily. And everyone pretty much hated me for causing it. I was even almost convinced to kill myself so we'd be even...

Wait she was gonna do WHAT!?

Bow: Suicide huh, well? Why didn't you go through with it???

Liy: Because on that moment I met Pie, the only one who didn't seem to hate me. She was the one who heard me out and understood that I regret what I've done, she then convinced me that I shouldn't off myself for something I couldn't know would happen but instead change myself for the better. And so I became the captain of Death P.A.C.T.

Bow lowers herself and her meant to be scarier face washed off.

Bow: What's a Death P.A.C.T.?

Liy: Death P.A.C.T. is an honest club that stands for Death Preventing And Creating Trust, as a team we pretty strive with one goal in mind, to make DIA a safer and happy place for all students alike. I started this club in hopes to prevent casualties like your's from ever happening again. Weather it's from my hands or others. You're the reason i'm the light-switch I am today, maybe I can't save you now but I'm at least saving others from having a similar fate to you.

Liy: You can despise me all you want I deserve it but you don't have to do this.

Bow: Oh yeah, why? Why shouldn't I make that suicide attempt a reality?

Liy: Because.. *sigh* Because then.. you'd be no better than how I used to be.

Bow: .....

Black Hole: She's right you know. No one really deserves to die.

Bow: *sigh* Okay, you're right both of you. I shouldn't have held my grudges on you for that long, I.. I'll except your apology.

A light suddenly emerges from the ceiling of the room looming over Bow.

Black Hole: What the-?


Bow cheers happily and we watch her fly out the main door of the mansion.

Black Hole: What was that??

Liy: You don't get it? Bow and I had made amends with our pasts, and now she's no longer trapped in this house, we freed her!

Liy also starts to jump around happily.

Liy: I can't even thank you enough for helping me Black Hole, I always knew bringing you in my club would be the right choice.

Black Hole: It's my pleasure, now let's go enjoy the rest of this party. Hey, do you think we'll ever see Bow again?

Liy looks over to Marshmallow and Apple talking.

Liy: No idea, I feel she might have to return to this place on some occasion. She's seems to have made a good friend or two in her time here.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Wattpad's online again HORAY! But back on topic, Bow's not exactly at rest per say but she's at least free from the mansion, one more chapter of this party and we then go to some normal stuff)

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