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Black Hole's P.O.V:

I hovered by the pool watching my friends have fun cooling off in the water, Bottle kinda got filled a little due to apparently forgetting to put a cap on, Fanny is sitting on a floatie with sunglasses on her face  not doing much. I then look up to see Pen climbing up a ladder towards a hanging diving board.


He hops a bit and jumps off the platform with a flip and dives into the water, however sort of anti-climatically he faceplants on the surface of the water and sinks.


Pen: *blrbrbrbrbrbrb...*

Everyone: ....

Fanny pulls out a sign with her tail.

Fanny: I give it a 2 to effort. 

Pen: *spits out water* Harsh.

Lightning: Let me try a dive!

Liy: Wait Lighting I don't think that's a good i-


Liy: -DEA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A....!


The pool flashed for a few seconds and stopped with everyone in it completely shocked in a literal way, Marker even coughed a puff of smoke. I pulled the twitching Cherry Jr and now motionless Remote out of the water and lay each of them on a lounge chair.

Black Hole: Is everyone alright?!

Pen: I'm okay... *bzzrt* Though I might glow in the dark for a while...

Lighting: I am SO sorry, I totally forgot that electricity and water don't mix well...

Tree: I think I'm gonna go rest in the sunlight..

Everyone gets out of the pool and sit down for a bit.

Lighting: I feel bad, but on a plus side the pool is a lot cleaner now *nervous laugh* oooooh....

Black Hole: Hey don't worry about it, what just happened would've been nothing compared to if I tried getting myself in the water. Remember when I got thrown in lava? Well, the whole pool would be empty in seconds.

Lightning: Hm, that sounds about right. Thanks for attempting to cheer me up.

Black Hole: No problem.

I nicely ask the life guard if I could barrow his first aid kit for my friends due to what he most likely witnessed.

Black Hole: Uh excuse me sir, I hate to bother you while you're on duty but could I barrow your first aid kit? My friends got electrocuted by accident in the water.

Life Ring: Oh it's no problem, in fact I'll help you out. Let's go.

While he checks on everyone Lightning and I patiently sat down when I faintly hear cheerful music from behind the fence of the pool.

Black Hole: Where's that music coming from?

Lightning: What musi- *GASP* It's an ice cream truck!!! Guys! Ice Cream, c'mon!


Tree: I could go for some.

Life Ring: Well everyone seems just fine.

We each get up and get in the line of people (mostly children) in front of a very colorful truck, the music got more clearer to me when we got there.

We each get up and get in the line of people (mostly children) in front of a very colorful truck, the music got more clearer to me when we got there

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While we waited our turn Fanny put a new battery in Remote, after that we finally met with the vendor in the truck.

Ice-cream man: And what would you all like today?

Liy: I'll just take a vanilla scoop please.

Pen: Phfft- basic. I'll take a choco taco if ya got any.

Fanny: Two Klondike bars. (I like the crunch)

Marker: Chocolate big dipper please!

Bottle: Can I have a character ice-cream bar please?

Ice-cream man: Sure which one?

Bottle: Power Puff girls!!

Remote: Oooh! Me too, but Sonic!

Lighting: I'll have a chocolate ice-cream sandwich.

Tree: I'll just take some dippin' dots please. How about you Black Hole?

I observed the options for a long moment, the vendor waited patiently for me to make the decision until I finally made up my mind.

Black Hole: I'll have what Tree is having. Cherry Jr what do you want?

I pick up Cherry Jr and hold him up so he can order.

Cherry Jr: Melon Bomber Pop please!

Ice-cream vendor: Coming right up.

Liy looks around for a moment.

Liy: Wait, has anyone seen Pillow?

We all look around concerned where she might've gone or what she's doing until we hear the vendor shouting.


Pillow suddenly jumps out of the back of the truck holding a create of vanilla bars and starts booking it. Thankfully I flew after her and picker her up in one hand as she dropped the box in surprise.

Pillow: Oh-

Black Hole: I am so sorry for her, we usually keep a closer eye on her behavior.

We get out ice cream and head back to the community pool to enjoy our tasty treats.

Pen: Hey Fanny, are you gonna eat that other klondike bar?

Fanny: Yes!

Pen: okey. ._.

I fallowed Tree's lead in slowly consuming the dippin' dots so I could enjoy mine with the others. A few hours later it was almost time for the pool to close up, so everyone toweled up and we parted ways.  I flew home holding Cherry Jr in my arms while he's wrapped up in Remote's spare towel (I didn't know I had to get one).

Black Hole: Did you have fun today?

Cherry Jr: Uh-huh, uh-huh! It was super fun, except for the zappy bit..

Black Hole: Yeah, I'm sure Lighting felt the same. 

When we got home I set up Cherry Jr's temporary bed while he got dressed for bed. Once I tucked him in I turned off the light.

Black Hole: Good night kid.

Cherry Jr: Good night.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: I just can't seem to fully leave this fanfic for even an actual break can I..?)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now