Ruby's Christmas Party Pt6

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Normal P.O.V:

In a small room under the staircase Peridot looks into the Mansion's fuse box with Garnet on standby handing her the tools as they're needed.

Peridot: Get me the screwdriver.

Garnet puts the screwdriver in Peridot's hand and she screws some things in place.

Peridot: Okay, now the tweezers.

A few moments later Peridot finally steps away from the fuse box and wipes her hands.

Peridot: Well, the thing is fried. Our best bet at getting the lights back is charge it with pure electricity. 

Garnet: Well, it's a good thing we have so many people here.

Tree: Y'know Bottle, you should probably fix that crack or at least hide it. 

Bottle: Why?

Tree: Knowing Black Hole, if he sees that and found out he caused it he's not going to forgive himself.

Lightning: How would you know him that way? 

Tree: Lightning, we're boyfriends.  |:/


Lightning hovers over his friends with a confident look.

Lightning: My time has come...

Lightbulb: I can make electricity too! I'll help!!

Lightning and Lightbulb both rush over to Garnet and Peridot.

Lightbulb: What do you need us to do?

Peridot: Zap the fuse box and we should be able to party on again.

Lightning: If you say so.

Lightning readies his tip for zapping and Lightbulb charges up her hand with her usual smile.

Garnet: On three. One... two... three!


And right after that lightshow of sparks the lights in Gemstone Mansion turn back on, everyone then cheers.

Everyone: YEAH!

Meanwhile Remote and Black Hole are still in the bathroom talking things out.

Remote: You shouldn't beat yourself up over what you have no control of.

Black Hole: I'm not hitting or hurting myself though.

Remote: It's an expression. The point is, you're ok no one is mad at you for that. And if they are, I'll make them not mad! >:(

Black Hole: Thanks for talking to me Remote. Oh, looks like the lights are back on.

Remote: Let's get out of this room and have some fun!

Black Hole and Remote exit the bathroom and got back to their friends.

Lightning: Guys! I used my harmful ability to help someone! 

Liy: I'm proud of you Lightning.

Lightning then felt a small tap on his shoulder and when he turns he finds Snowball holding something behind his back but seems to be failing at eye contact.

Lightning: What is it SB?

Snowball: Uh Ummm. Well... UGH I'm no good with words, here just take this and try to take the hint!

Snowball shoves a bouquet of three flowers to Lightning and turns away so his face wasn't seen. Lightning observes the flowers and he smiles , he then hovers towards Snowball and hugs him happily.

Ruby: Aww how cute, They're a couple now.

The party went on to be a success, and once it was over everyone was given a goodie bag and they all made their way home while Ruby and her sisters cleaned up.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Short one again... Kinda just wanted to get it done and over with as this is literally the 6th part of it! XD)

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