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~Flashback~ Black Hole's P.O.V:

Black Hole: It began eons ago, back when I behaved the way other black holes had. A galactic warfare was in taking place in the galaxy I inhabited, back then I didn't care for what happened around me but this battle was going on all around me so I wasn't really able to ignore everything. One side turned out to be the Light Shimmers and from what I could gather just by watching the other side while I wasn't sure where they were from or what they were, they had something of belonging to the Shimmers and now both of them were fighting for it.

Test Tube: *serious whisper* Meeple....

Black Hole: Meeple? Never heard of kingdom like that. Anyway...

Black Hole: A ship had taken a direct hit and now fell into the range of my gravitational pull, and but the main ship tried to pull them away from me with a tractor beam and that confused me. Whatever's in there got too close to me, it's a goner, why try to prevent what's inevitable??? This gravity tug-a-war went on for a while and the longer it happened the more curious I was getting, that was when I noticed the enemy ship making it's way to ram itself on the Shimmer's main ship. In a sudden and unknown impulse I shifted form... and knocked them to the far end of my territory. 

Black Hole: This caused the rest of 'Meeple' you said to flee, with myself now being in a smaller shape the vessel originally in my grip was now good as the Shimmers. When I watched them take back what was theirs I confused. Why did I interfere? I easily could've waited for both of them to fall and take them but instead I continued to watch and... still in the form meant for moving to other galaxies I wound up following the shimmers thinking I might get answers to everything I'm confused about. But I guess they caught on to my existence.

LS General: For what reason you persist after us fiendish deity of mystery!?

Past BH: ....

I somewhat lacked in communication at that time so explaining myself to The Light Shimmers was difficult. Luckily Their leader The Prime Shimmer also caught onto my weird behavior and attempted to confront me.

LS General: Your highness, what do you think your doing?

Prime Shimmer: Have you come for the damaged vessel that you failed to take past your event horizon?

Past BH: *nod* 

Prime Shimmer: Then what for are you here?

Past BH: ....????

LS General: Your highness it is a b-black hole you're trying to confront, they don't converse, they eat. We simply must get out of here or our victory will be for nothing.

Prime Shimmer: Our victory would still be nothing if this black hole in particular hadn't taken care of the main enemy fleet for us General Lux Vitae. Something about it is different.... Licht, you are knowledgeable of this species, does this black hole have it's own serial name?

Licht: Calculating now. The galaxy it lives in is 31 lightyears off of ours, it indeed has received a serial name identified as BFB 3672.

Prime Shimmer: I see... BFB 3672, I has occurred to me that your behavior is.. odd, and yet you have not taken our lives in the time our fleet has let itself still and vulnerable. If there is no ill intention within you, then give us a sigh.

I wasn't too sure what to do but I looked back to the damaged vessel specifically a crack it had gotten, I had went back to the battlefield to grab some metals and tried to cover the crack. They found this out and sent out a gadget that helped while I held the pieces in place. 

General Lux Vitae: Well I'll be my own spear's pawn... that crack would caused a real problem for our youth that we've kept inside the vessel. I can't believe I'm saying this but this black hole has helped us greatly.

Prime Shimmer: You have convinced us, you no doubt have questions of certain kind.

Past Black Hole: *nods* 

Prime Shimmer: Then allow my escorts to invite you in and all will be made clear for both of us.

Black Hole: Once I showed myself uninterested in consuming them The Light Shimmers had taken me in, not really as their own but I learned many things from my time with them. How to properly communicate, read, and so much more. Then came the time they returned home, I can tell despite all I apparently did for them I'm still not welcomed around their home so I went my way. But with everything I learned I was now stuck even more confused and with a feeling I never knew of I felt empty but in a different way... when I looked back to how The Light Shimmers live I remembered how they co-exist with one another, they do things together, they like some sort of pack. I figured maybe.. just maybe... I need a group to co-exist with too. And that's when I started my journey to find a place where I can be with other beings, I never shifted out my humanoid form and traveled the galaxies searched many many planets and... 

~End of flashback~ Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole: Well, you know the rest of that story I assume. But basically it was those guys, the Light Shimmers that gave me a start at becoming the person I am now.

Fan: Wow... 

Test Tube: I had no idea...

Black Hole: Yeah I never thought I would tell this to anyone myself...

Bot: What's with the racket? Me and N/A were trying to sleep.

N/A: [in Bot's voice]: trying to sleep.

Bot: Wait, what is... that sunk into the floor?

Test Tube: Oh sorry about that Bot, but look who's here? This is the egg I told you fan and I ounce kept for a time. They've come back here to stay with us now.

Bot and the baby shimmer both share a fascinated gaze to each other until Bot hugs them full of excitement.

Bot: Does this mean I have an older sibling? THIS IS AMAZING!

Baby Shimmer: ?!?!?!?!?

Test Tube and Fan: *chuckle*

Black Hole: Heh, well I gotta get back to the 24hr Convenience Mart. Have fun.

Test Tube: Huh, oh yeah. We'll see you tomorrow Black Hole, and... thanks for you help.

Black Hole: No problem.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: I had literally no idea how to wrap this chapter up. XP) But fun fact, Black Hole's backstory there wasn't originally planned at all.)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now