Date Night pt 2

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(Author's NOTE: this chapter is rather short as I can't come up with more to write.)

Normal P.O.V:

Tree and Black Hole had finished their meal and after paying the check have went to the park for some stargazing after they made sure they're actually alone. They find a nice spot in the grass and both lie down beside one another to watch the stars above them.

Tree: You know what I like about New Yoyle City? Despite the many lights around at this time, the stars still shine bright enough to be seen.

Black Hole: I've heard that about cities. How can people live like that?

Tree: *snirk* No idea.

Tree: Hey Black Hole, do you know about constellations?

Black Hole: No I don't think so, what are those?

Tree: Constellations are the result of when a group of visible stars form a pattern or outline. Here on Earth we represent the ones we discover to associate with either an animal, mythological subject or even an inanimate item. If you look closely over there you can see a constellation in the shape of a dragon.

Black Hole looks to where Tree points but looks back to Tree confused.

Black Hole: I don't see a dragon.

Tree: You have to picture the dragon in your mind and imagine it's there with the star pattern.

Black Hole looks back up following Tree's near cryptic advice, after possibly squinting a bit he smiles with amusement.

Black Hole looks back up following Tree's near cryptic advice, after possibly squinting a bit he smiles with amusement

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Black Hole: I see it!

Tree: We call that one Draco. They're many constellations each one as unique as us objects.

Black Hole: Earth keeps amazing me...

Tree: Have you been to uh any other planets before ours?

Black Hole stays silent for a brief second.

Black Hole: Yeah, but the living residents of them were not the most welcoming. Almost all the ones I've seen I was attacked, even though I can't be harmed I know when I'm not gonna be welcomed somewhere anytime soon and just leave.

Tree: So that's why you were quick to run away when GB accused you of ill intentions.

Black Hole nods slightly. The two continue looking for constellations until Tree looked to his watch to see the current time being 11:29.

Tree: Looks to be getting late, let's head home.

Black Hole: Ok.

Black Hole carefully carries Tree and flies back to his apartment, once home Tree goes to the bathroom to get ready for bed, while Black Hole puts his bowtie away and checks the calendar. Tomorrow is the end of fall break and school will be back in session. Tree then walks back into the living room with his PJs on and sets the couch to bed mode.

Tree: *yawn* Good night Black Hole.

Black Hole: Night Tree.

Tree soon fell fast asleep and Black Hole still wide awake was left with himself, with nothing else to do and pretty much the rest of the city asleep he decides to keep himself occupied with a game Marker suggested he download in his phone, with the volume down of course, don't want to wake up his boyfriend past midnight.

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now