Self Conscious

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Normal P.O.V:

Death P.A.C.T. had gathered at lunch, Black Hole and Tree sit down by the others who all smiled at Tree's presence even Fanny.

Tree: Hello everyone.

Pie: Great to have you back Tree, we missed you.

Tree looks to see Marker and Bottle attempting to hold back their tears (and failing), the two quickly cave and dogpile onto Tree.

Marker & Bottle: TREE!





Black Hole soon picked up Marker and Bottle and helped Tree back up.

Black Hole: Okay you saps give Tree some space will you. You alright Tree?

Tree slightly dazed: I think a branch snapped but it's no big deal...

Pen: Hey Tree, I got a bit of a question. What's with the cloth wrapping around your whole face? You kind of look like a mummy-ninja right now.

Black Hole: Pen you shouldn't really ask such a-

Tree: No no, it's alright. To put it simple, my leaves started falling out sooner than expected. Mom said I should snip them off and get it over with, hence this around my head.

Pillow: Can you take it off? I want to see what you look like.

Tree: P-Pillow, no!

Pillow: Aw come on, what's the issue? I was told you snipped your leaves off before.

Tree: That was for the sake of a Halloween costume (what kind of zombie plant has leaves) so this is different...

Black Hole: He's obviously self conscious about his lack of branches, so can you NOT drag it on please?

Pillow scoffs as she turns away from Black Hole.

Lightning: Someone's a bit snappy today.

Tree: Cut him some slack, he's still a little upset about how Eraser was picking on me.

Fanny: Ugh, I hate Eraser!

Pen: Oooh, sorry Tree. I'll be sure to have a stern talking to with him later.

Black Hole: Uh yeah PLEASE do. I'm sorry Pen I know he's your best friend and all but he needs to learn to think about what other people are going through before he starts picking on them.

The group continued to go about their day. When school had ended both Black Hole and Tree walk down the hall together chatting.

Tree: And you're sure you can handle my shop a little longer?

Black Hole: Don't worry Tree, I had some... setbacks but I'm getting a lot better. You just get the rest and care you need, doctor's orders.

Loud honking is suddenly heard and Tree and Black Hole look to see Acacia parked and waving their way waiting for Tree to hop in.

Tree: Ok then, well I'll see you tomorrow.

Black Hole: Yeah, you too.

Black Hole's P.O.V:

I watch Tree and his Mother drive off and then take off to Tree's Flower shop. With spring now here the shop has been getting a lot more visitors, normally it would be a bit much for one person to handle but I'm no stranger to serving a multitude of customers with my own job being a cashier at a convenience store at the nightshift.

The bell rings as Match walks inside looking around seeming to have something on her mind. she starts walking around checking the different kinds of flowers when I had noticed her conflicted behavior and decided to go to her once I had finished with this other customer.

Black Hole: Here are your seeds sir, hope your Snap Dragons turn out well and have a good day.

Match: Hmm....

Black Hole: Can I help you Match?

Match: WAAH! Oh...! Black Hole.. you like, gotta put a bell on or something.

Black Hole: (why would I need a bell?) You seem to be having a little trouble making a selection, would you like some help?

Match: I suppose so.

Black Hole: Alright then, how about tell me what you're looking for?

Match scratches the back of her head and her face turns slightly red.

Match: Well I'm like, looking to uh get a bouquet for Pen- I mean, a friend but I don't like know what flowers will be good enough.

Black Hole: Hmm. Would telling me a few things about them help?

Match: I don't see why not. They're caring to their friends but have a number of rivals due to their like stubbornness, they  totally have a knack for cheering and out starring the likes of David.

Match continues to go on about this friend she wants to bring flowers to, and as I put 2 and 2 together I can tell who she's referring to.

Black Hole: Mm-hm.. okay, I think I got. 

Match: Omg like really!?

Black Hole: Yep, I'll have your bouquet ready in a bit.

I float over to the back of the shop, look around for the flowers I had in mind and got to work. Roses apparently symbolize love in many formats so I put a few red and yellow ones in to start with, next I grabbed a bunch of coneflowers, some petunias and finally a few anemones. Once I put it together I brought it to the counter to price.

Match: What's with these choices? 

Black Hole: Well, these roses symbolize both love and friendship, the anemones mean anticipation & protection against ill will. The petunias represent healing and I think these coneflowers resemble both you and your friend if you look at them a certain way.

Match looks to me impressed.

Match: Wow, I never though you'd be like, that knowlegable about flowers.

Black Hole: Well I am filling in for Tree for the time being so I just figured I'd do a 'little' research. Okay, that'll come to... $46.99.

Match: Fsssss... that's a bit steep... But I guess I like, have to.

Match gives me her debit card allowing me to scan it and when I was done with it I gave it and the bouquet back to her.

Black Hole: Thank you for coming, have a good day! ^u^

~To be Continued~

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