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Black Hole's P.O.V:

Tree and I head over to history class, a third of the way there I turn to notice that Tree has sat on the stairs looking rather tired, a few dewdrops were formed on his head. 

Tree: *pants pants*

Black Hole: Tree are you okay? 

Tree: Yeah... just a bit... *pant* ...exhausted...

Black Hole: We weren't even going that fast or far from our previous class. Are you sure you're ok?

Tree: Of course now c'mon, we don't want to be late.

He gets up and goes down the rest of the stairs with both his hands on the rail, something is wrong with him and I can't really tell what that is, maybe the others would know. We finally get to our history class and Ms. PSB had given the class a pop quiz on the Greek architecture, with each question on my sheet answered I glance back at Tree to check his condition he seems to be doing better now, slight cough here and there but it's hard to say for sure. I know that objects on earth can get infected by various illnesses but I'm not that well informed on that aspect. As I go back to my quiz Tree has suddenly vomited on the side of his desk freaking everyone out even me.


Clover: Yikes..

Match: UGH!

Gelatin: Dude that's just nasty!

Tree: Ugh... my head's throbbing... *cough cough*

Black Hole: Tree! Tree are you okay!?

Puffball Speaker Box: Everyone go back to your seats! Black Hole you too~

Black Hole: B-But Tree-

Puffball Speaker Box: Is going to the nurse's office to be checked on. You hear that Tree? Go.~

Tree: *sigh* 

Tree picks up his things and exits the classroom, at this point everyone in the classroom was loudly whispering to each other about what just happened.

Pastel Feather: I can't believe that just happened.

Clover: Me neither, I hope Tree's okay...

After this class had ended and the lunch bell rang I sweep the cafeteria for Tree but he's nowhere to be found, I find Clover near the doorway and decide to talk with her.

Clover: Oh hello there Black Hole.

Black Hole: Hey Clover, uh I'm looking for Tree I'm still worried about what happened at class do you know where he could be?

Clover: Hmm, I think he's still at the nurse's office. I sort of overheard one of the other students say something about him being taken to the hospital but-

Black Hole: The hospital!? He's that unwell?

Clover: It seems so... I saw an ambulance pull up on my way to lunch.

I look to see the rest of Death P.A.C.T. at the other table and fly over to them.

Black Hole: Thanks for telling me Clover.

Normal P.O.V:

Marker: Nice cake Lightning.

Lightning: Thanks, want a slice?

Marker: Yeah! *sniff sniff* Hmmm, smells clean...

Black Hole: Guys guys gu- woah!

Black Hole rushes over to Death P.A.C.T. but fails to stop himself and skids past them.


Glass: MY LEG!

Liy: Yikes, I wonder what's gotten his flight out of whack now.

Black Hole: Do you guys know about Tree going to the hospital?

Bottle: *gasp* Oh no! What happened? 

Black Hole: That's what I wanted to know, he seemed rather sick when PSB sent him to the nurse's office...

Pen: I knew something was up when he started eating less! 

Remote: And getting tire more often.

Pie: Don't worry Black Hole, we'll go to the hospital after school and see what's going on.

Black Hole: Thanks guys...

After school the team as promised went to the hospital and are waiting for the doctor to return from checking on Tree. Black Hole in the meantime has been pacing around the carpet all the while making Liy worry about him.

Liy: Black Hole has been pacing around for an hour now, I've never seen him so worried.

Remote: I am also concerned for him, especially how he's not floating anymore. His actually feet are on the floor.

Pen: I've seen cartoons where a person paces around enough to ware through a carpet, but this is a reality.

Dr. Fizz finally arrives and on sight Black Hole runs up to him.

Dr. Fizz: Oh-!

Black Hole: You're the doctor that's checking Tree right? Please give it to me straight, is he going to be okay?

Dr. Fizz: Sir, I'm going to need you to step back a bit.

Black Hole: Oh uhh sorry..

Liy: You'll have to excuse our friend here, he's Tree's boyfriend and he's as worried for him as we are.

Dr. Fizz: Well all your worries are justified, as after a strict check it's come to my attention that Tree is diagnosed with cancer.

Everyone: *GASP*

Black Hole: Cancer? How bad is that...? 

Pen: Really bad.

Fanny: I hate cancer!!!

Dr. Fizz: It can appear in any type of object but for plants it tends to be more common. But you can rest assure that he's getting his first doses of treatment as we speak. 

Black Hole: Can... Can I at least talk with him?

Dr. Fizz: I'm afraid not today... but you're free to stop by during visiting hours to see him.

Liy: Thank you Doctor. 

The rest of Death P.A.C.T. each went home including Black Hole but he just can't stop worrying about Tree. How long could this have been going on with him? Why didn't he say anything sooner? What if.. he doesn't make it...?

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Shout out to my little sisters watching the Netflix series Alexa & Katie for inspiring this chapter for me. Sorry that it had to get extra angsty though. XP)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now