- Put Her In The Maze -

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Ava Paige's POV.
I watched her and Newt, she loves him, it's obvious and he loves her, I've never seen anyone look at someone like Newt looks at Y/N. I don't want to see her face when I have to put him in the maze along with the other group A boys.

Y/N was made in a tube, she was only supposed to be an experiment for us, to see if we could make the perfect human being. I wasn't supposed to get attached to her, but I am. I feel like she's my daughter, I love her like she's my daughter. I hate myself for putting through constant pain everyday. She has had 5 courses of electric shocks in increasing voltage a day, she has injections twice a day to test new serums and she gets cut twice a day to monitor her healing process. The first time we did it she was 5 years old, she screamed and cried out for me. I wasn't allowed to do anything because it would ruin the experiment. Her body is covered in large scars and her veins are very prominent all over her body, it looks like she's been tattooed all over in bright blue ink. She has bruises on her neck in the the fold of her arm from where the needles pierced her skin, and yet she is still the most beautiful human I've ever seen, we made her to be beautiful. Even with the scars and bruises her skin is pristine white and her eyes are still bright and piercing.

Along with those tests, we also conduct tests on how strong and fast she is. It's almost superhuman. She can lift two cars at once and she can run one hundred metres in 4.67 seconds. We also measure her intelligence, she has an IQ of 200 which is astounding. She also has Enhanced emotions due to the serums which is why when she gets angry everyone needs to take cover.

She has nightmares too, she screams and screams like she's dying, she tosses and turns and has broken bones due to her thrashing around. It's horrific to watch, to be honest her entire life is horrific, and it's my fault. It was my idea to make a perfect human to survive the flare, while she is immune to the flare because of her strong DNA and immune system, she still goes through pain everyday, she doesn't even scream anymore, she just lets it happen which is worse.

Her life was the saddest story, that was until we bought Newt in.


"She's getting too strong Dr." Janson said to me, "yes I know, but I am not going to terminate her!" I shouted at him, I slammed my hands down on the table.
"Ava, I told you this could happen! I told you she would have to be destroyed if this happened!"
"Janson, what about Newt? It would kill him if she died?"
"Newt?! He's going in the maze in 2 days, what's the difference? I told you we should've never introduced her to those boys!"
"I wanted her to have a friend!"
"Ava she isn't your child!"
"She might as well of been!!! I looked after her! I held her when she cried in pain, I looked after her when she was breaking bones from her nightmares!"
"I told you to leave her Ava. She would've been fine."
"Why don't we put her in the maze?" I lifted my head up and paced back and forth.
"What?! We have enough girls in group B."
"No put her in group A. Let's says she's a random factor, and she will be with Newt"
"But she won't remember Newt, and he won't remember her...and she won't remember the strength she has! Hm it might be a good idea. Ok we'll put her in the maze. You can tell her." He said leaving the room.

The point of this chapter was to tell you your back story and explain why you were sent in the maze.

I will do another chapter like this and then carry on with the gladers where we left off at the end of book 2.

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