- Kisses -

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I reached Thomas just before he walked through the door. "Wait!" I said, he looked at me with pain and fear in his eyes. He had gotten close to Teresa, heck he could talk telepathically to her, of course he was close to her. "You don't know it's her Thomas, it could be a trap" I said but he ignored me a pushed the door open, I walked through the door with him and there in the corner was Teresa.

"Teresa?" I said as I walked forward a little bit. "Thomas." She said, she was crying. Thomas ran to her and before I could say anything she kissed him. "Uh okay then" I said quietly to myself. I stood there awkwardly as they kissed. I kinda knew how everyone felt with me and Newt now.

"Thomas you need to stay away from me okay. You need to trust me. Whatever happens next trust me okay?" She said, her eyes shifted to mine and then back to Thomas. He nodded and she ran out the door. I ran after her and she just disappeared. "What the hell was that?!" I shouted. "What happened?" Newt asked as the boys stood at the entrance to the building. "Teresa. She just kissed Thomas then said to stay away from her and trust her whatever happens next!" I threw my arms in the air and everyone stared at Thomas. Thomas was silent and staring into space. "Thomas. Snap out of it shank. Let's keep moving!" Minho said, we left the building and continued to walk towards the town. (At least it looks like a town)

All of a sudden the sky went a light grey. "Does it rain here?" I said looking up to the sky, finally getting Teresa's words out of my head. But I couldn't prepare for what happened next.


A few meters away I could see lightning bolts hitting the ground and they were moving towards us.

Ok I'm done for today. Hope you've enjoyed these three chapters.

I may post another chapter if I'm bored and can't sleep but otherwise it'll be tomorrow!

The support for this series is unimaginable. I can't believe you guys love it so much! Thank you! From the bottom of my heart...thank you!!!!

Sorry this chapter is so short btw :)

I love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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