- How Could You?! -

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We walked through the cave quietly, no one made a sound. The walls were slimy and the air was humid I could feel beads of sweat dripping down my face, but I didn't know whether it was because I was hot or because of nerves and being unsure of what was at the end of the cave.

I saw light and heard raised voices, 2 to be exact. One was definitely Thomas, he was pleading "please Teresa. Don't do this. You don't have to do this!"
"I'm sorry Thomas but I have to kill you" Teresa said. I started to run and when I got to the opening the strangest sight caught my eyes. Teresa was kissing Aris and Thomas was backed up against a wall. "What is going on?!" I shouted.
"You idiot! Why did you follow us!" Teresa shouted again, she held a gun out with her hand and pointed it at Thomas. "Teresa no please!" I said. "I'm sorry." She replied and pushed Thomas into an opening in the wall. The wall started to close behind him. I heard his screams through the stone and a tear rolled down my cheek. "You shucking slinthead!" Minho said charging towards her. I stood in front of him, to a normal girl my size Minho would've overpowered me. Lucky for me I'm not normal, I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him backwards, my strength stopped him. "She isn't worth it Minho" I turned back to Teresa and took my knife out. I walked quickly towards her and her face went from being strong and determined to childish and scared. I could feel my anger raising inside me. Thomas is probably dead, and it's because of her. I didn't black out though. I held my knife to her throat and pushed her against the wall. "How could you do that?!" I shouted. Aris stood there and watched. "You shank! He's your friend! He helped you when everyone else hated you!!" I screamed in her face. I felt a hand on my arm pulling me backwards. I thought it was Minho but I recognised the fingers. Newts hand was strong. Stronger than I'd ever imagined or felt. "Greenie. STOP!" He shouted. His voice was deep and stern and I dropped my arm holding the knife to Teresa's throat in a way that a pup would stop at its mothers harsh growl. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were black and angry. His grip tightened "ow Newt that hurts. Newt!" I said with my voice gradually getting louder. "Newt stop you're hurting her" Minho tried to pulls newts hand away but he couldn't. His grip got tighter and the pain was getting worse. "Newt. Please!" I said with a lump in my throat. "NEWT!" Minho shouted, newt looked at me as if I was his worst enemy. "Newt please" I said I could feel the skin bruising on my arm. Then when Minho shouted again his eyes cleared and he let go. I clutched my arm and Minho hugged me, I started to cry either from pain or just because it was Newt that had hurt me I don't know. Newt turned and ran outside.

"This might be a bad time, but Thomas isn't dead. I can't explain now but we have to wait an hour." Teresa said. I didn't even take in the fact that Thomas was alive. Minho scowled at her as he let me go. I ran outside to get Newt. I hoped he hadn't ran off. He didn't, he sat with his back to the cave and his head in his hands. "Minho go away you shank. I know I hurt her I just don't..."

"newt it's me!"
"Oh hi greenie, look I'm"
"It's okay. I'm fine!"
"No your not give me you arm!"
"Newt it's fine honestly"
I took my hand off of the black and purple bruise that had already formed in my forearm. Newt started to cry.
"Stay away from me greenie"
"I obviously have the shucking flare."
"Yes but that's why we're going to the safe haven...for a cure!"
"I don't deserve a cure"
"Don't say that!!"
"I don't. The one person I swore I wouldn't hurt and I did!"
"It's not your fault newt!" I sat cross legged in front of him. I pulled his hands away from his face. "It is my fault!"
"No it's not. All our heads are messed up Newt! I love you! I do not blame you for anything!" He looked in my eyes and smiled. "Come here!" He said and pulled me gently into his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered "I love you. Please don't give up yet Newt. I love you" he held me tight and I could feel his smile get bigger.

"I love you too. Your my only reason for living greenie. I promise I'm not going anywhere!" Newt said as his kissed the top of my head.

Ok so this chapter needs work. I know stick with me guys haha.

The next chapter will have more about what happened to Thomas and Teresa.

PLEASE BARE WITH ME. I know a lot of you don't want Newt to die and he's not going anywhere in this book.

We are coming to the end of girl in the scorch and I wanna say thanks for all the support.

There is still about 3/4 more chapters to come and then it's onto the final book of this series. It's been a pleasure to write and an even bigger pleasure to see you all enjoy my fanfiction.

Thanks for reading I love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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