- The Betrayer -

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I stood there and looked at the bodies. I was frozen, I couldn't move. I heard boys throwing us and dry heaving, it made me want to but i couldn't move or speak. I just stood there. "greenie? Are you OK? Greenie? GREENIE?!" Newt shouted at me, he stood in front of me and screamed at me to try and snap me back but i couldn't move. Minho stood next to him and started to shout at me too. I felt like a thousand different voices were screaming my name, I heard the cranks shouting kill me. I just wanted everyone to shut up. I screamed and threw my arm out to the side, My fist hit a stone wall and I felt it crack. I stopped screaming and the voices around me stopped, I looked around at the worried faces looking at me. I looked to the side and saw a small crater like shape in the stone with large cracks coming out of it. "Did...I.." I gulped, "Did i do that?" Newt walked slowly towards me and held his hands out in front of him like he was scared of me, who was I kidding, i'd be scared of me the way my head is right now. "It's OK" He said calmly. I Flickered my eyes up to the dead bodies hanging there, Newt saw and pulled me into him, he held my face to his chest and stroked my hair. "It's okay greenie, I'm here. Don't look!" He said sweetly, i was instantly reminded back to the very first nightmare i had, Newt ran in my room and held me. I wished more than anything I could go back to that night, I felt a damn sight safer then than I do now!

"Well that was bloody brilliant!" Minho said laughing, I didn't react but Newt's arms tightened around me.

"Teresa. Where is she? Is she safe?" Thomas piped up. I pulled away from Newt, "Oh god. Teresa!" I said keeping my eyes to the floor. "Find her!" Minho said ordering everyone to start looking. A few moments later Thomas called out "Hey look!" I walked in a fast pace over to Thomas and everyone else followed me. There were no bodies in front of me so I looked up and saw a door and next to the door was a plaque.

Teresa Agnes.

Group A. Subject A1

The Betrayer

"Um. anyone else worried about the term Betrayer?" Minho piped up. "Minho!" Thomas shouted at him. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Thomas twisted the handle, it wouldn't open. He looked at me, I knew exactly what he was going to ask. "Um hey Y/N. Would you mind?" He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah sure" I walked in front of the door and I was just about to ask for something to smash it with but i hesitated. I looked back and could just see the crater I made in the stone. "What's up?" Newt said putting a hand on my back. "Well I punched stone. Maybe..." I began, "Oh DO IT!" Minho said fist bumping the air, Newt smirked and stepped back. "If you break that door with your fist i will kiss you!!" He shouted, everyone's head turned to Newt, he had an angered look on his face. "You bloody well won't shank!" He said furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh i forgot you were here. dammit!" The boys laughed and some patted Minho on the shoulder. "Nice try man!" Frypan said laughing. "Um...tick tock guys!" Thomas said trying to sound nice but he was eager at the same time. I took a deep breath grabbed the door handle and in my head i counted to three, on three I tensed my arm and pulled, the door cracked and a piece of the door along with the handles on both sides were in my hand. Wow. I tuned around and everyone was looking at me in awe. "Now that was cool!" Minho said, Thomas pushed the door and instead of it swinging open, it fell to the ground. My jaw hung open, I had just broken down a door with my fist, I didn't even put that much effort in, I couldn't imagine what i could do if I actually tried. "Damn greenie!" Newt said stepping back up to me, he pulled me in and kissed me, I gladly kissed him back. "Thanks man, kissing her for me! That kiss was form me Y/N." Minho said winking. "You bet you shuck-faced butt it wasn't!!" Newt said laughing. Thomas had already walked into the room, we followed him and stepped over the door.

Thomas called out Teresa's name, and looked frantically around. The room looked the same as ours except only one bed looked slept in. There was a noise from the girls bathroom. I was still a little annoyed that i had to use the boys bathroom, but then I was glad they didn't separate me from Newt. "Uh Tommy, don't go in the girls bathroom, she could be naked or something!" Newt said laughing. "Greenie, you go!" Minho said nudging me forward. I looked behind me and then walked through the door. I walked into the room and called out her name. Then i saw a figure in the corner, "Teresa?" I said walking forward, but it wasn't Teresa! The figure turned around it was a boy! "AH! Who are you? Where's Teresa?" I said, I stood defensively. I watched the boy's eye widen. "Wow! You are beautiful!" He said walking towards me, I took a few steps back "Uh Who are you? Answer me, Or I will punch you into next week!" I said clenching my hands into fists. He stopped walking. "Who are you?" He said in as deep of a voice as he could. "I'm Y/N. Now who are you?!" I was getting agitated and i was close to calling the rest of the guys in.

"Hi Y/N. My name is Aris"

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