- Berg Jumping -

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"It's a berg!" I said looking towards the sound. "A what?" Newt replied, "a berg. The thing that took me and Thomas a few days ago remember?" The gladers still looked totally oblivious at what I was saying, I rolled my eyes and looked for the aircraft.

The berg emerged through the clouds and landed, it's huge door opened and inside I could see three men in armour and with guns. "Come on" I said ushering the gladers towards the berg. Then the aircraft lifted off the floor ever so slowly. "What the hell?" Thomas shouted, "it's another test. RUN!"

We ran towards the aircraft and the girls from group B and Aris jumped into the berg first. "Fry!" I shouted and he grabbed the edge of the door, the girls helped him in. Thomas and Newt jumped next and me and Minho helped push them forward. Newt wasn't as fast as we were. "Minho you're gonna need to jump first" I shouted still running. The berg was gaining altitude very quickly and as Minho jumped I pushed him to go further in the air. "Come on greenie!" He shouted down to me, he reached his hand down to me. "I can't it's too high!" Minho disappeared from the entrance. I kept running underneath the berg waiting for them to suggest something. The berg seemed to stop rising but it was fast and along the the heat that had returned after the storm it was becoming very hard for me to keep up.

Then Newt appeared, he slid down the flap of the door, "Newt no!" Then I saw Thomas holding his ankles. I could reach Newts hand pretty easily now but I had no idea how they'd pull me up. "Come on baby. Jump" he said loudly, I shivered, he'd never called me that before but it brought a smile on my face. I jumped and grabbed Newts wrists and he grabbed mine. I was amazed at the strength of the pulling force. When I got in the door I saw Minho holding Thomas' legs and everyone else holding Minho as they pulled.

"You should've left me" I said breathing heavily from the running. "No way! No one gets left behind!" Brenda said smiling. I smiled back, she wasn't that bad I guess.
"Hey. These two aren't supposed to be here!" One of the men with guns shouted. "What?" I said standing up in front of them. The man looked at Brenda and Jorge. "We have to throw them out" he said. I pulled knife from its sheath and pointed it at the man. "You will do no such thing." I said angrily. The man smiled and sat back down at the back of the berg. I was surprised he let me get away with that and didn't shoot me.

There was a small window behind me and Newt. I looked out and saw the vast scorch whizzing blow is. I didn't know how I was feeling. I knew we would be taken somewhere horrible. If there were anymore tests I was sure I did not want to be a part of them. "Where are we going?" Minho asked the men. They smiled at each other and didn't say anything until the berg landed. The door opened and there were hundreds of people in white science coats stood outside the berg. The gladers and me
Stood up and looked out into the sea of white fabric.

"Welcome to WICKED HQ" one of the men said from behind us.

Girl In The Scorch (Newt X Reader Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now