- Cranky -

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We all sat in a circle staring at each other hoping that someone would come up with an answer of what to do next. "We go after Thomas!" Minho said loudly. "Look we can't all go after Thomas. I will go if someone has to." I said butting in, Minho started to speak but I cut him off. "Look I can see their footprints I know exactly where they are going." I stood up and tightened my knife to my waist. "Ok well I'm coming to." Minho said also standing up. "No you need to lead them to where we have to go!" I argued "eh Jorge! You know where to go right?" Minho asked him, Jorge nodded and I trusted Jorge. I trusted him more than I did Brenda. "I'm coming too" Newt said abruptly, he hadn't spoken for ages, it looked as if something was going around and around in his mind. He stood up and his eyes were red and puffy, his skin was paler than normal. "Newt are you okay?" I asked, pushing my body gently against his, he sighed as our bodies touched and then smiled but he kept his eyes closed. "I'm ok greenie, just I get bad headaches that's all" he said opening his eyes. I didn't say this but I knew there was something wrong with him. He had never looked this bad before, not since...not since the maze wall jumping incident. My stomach cramped up just thinking about it and I felt a lump in my throat forming but I pushed it back and breathed turning away from Newt. "Right, me Minho and Newt will go after Thomas, Jorge you need to lead everyone to the safe haven got it?" Jorge nodded as I looked around the group.

"Wait a sec. Where the shuck is Aris?!" I shouted and frantically looked around. Everyone else copied. "How can we just magically lose a kid? I swear he was with us before Teresa came along and..." I paused and thought about what I just said. "He's with Teresa. We need to go. NOW!" I said and I broke into a slow run following Teresa's footprints as I turned back I saw the rest of our group walk North.

We came to a mountain as the sunset started. We slowed to a walk and then I heard Newt shout, not words but a shout of pain. "Hey man you okay?!" Minho ran back to him and sopped him before he hit the cold hard stone.

"I feel so shucking CRANKY!" Newt shouted and tears streaming down his face and into his open mouth.

I had no words for what he just said. I dropped to my knees on the stone. I knew exactly what was going on.

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