- The Betrayer -

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Newt finally managed to help me take my mind off of the whole Ava thing. We hid behind buildings for sneaky make out sessions. "You know we may run out of buildings soon Newt!" I said giggling as his lips touched my neck. "Well the others will just have to deal with it then won't they?" He said in between kisses. His hand was touching my bare skin under my shirt and it tickled every time he moved it. I moved my head around the building to check where everyone else had gone, they were say against another building, and in the distance I saw a group of people storming towards us. "Newt. Stop. We got trouble" I kissed him quickly again before running towards the others. "Finally, greenie you can't" i cut Minho off as I pointed towards the group of people walking towards us. The boys and Brenda all stood up and stood behind me.

"Teresa?" I said squinting my eyes, Thomas pushed towards the front of the crowd. "Teresa!" He said, his voice filled with joy. It was indeed Teresa. She was being followed by a whole group of girls. She stopped about five feet away from us.
"Well well well!" She said, her voice was deep. "Teresa! It's good to see you!" I said stapling forward. She held a knife out in front of her and pointed it at me, "woah!" I said putting my hands up. "Thomas. Get in the bag." She said. "What bag?" I said, and behind Teresa were two girls holding a big sac, definitely big enough for Thomas. "Why?" Thomas asked "don't bother talking, just get in the bag and shut up. I swear we will kill all of you." She said. Thomas started walking forward, I put my arm out to stop him. "No!" I said. I stood in front of him and Teresa touched the tip of her knife to my chest. "Do it." I said. The Teresa we know wouldn't kill me. "do it!" I said a little louder. I was right she didn't kill me. She dug her knife in gently and dragged it diagonally down my body quickly before grabbing Thomas and pushing him into the bag. I felt two sets hands on me. "You little.."I shouted as I hunched over, the pain wasn't that bad to be honest but it still stung. "Greenie you okay?" Newt said helping me up, "yeah. I'm ok" I said Putting my hand over the cut, the blood covered my hand and soaked my tshirt quickly. I wiped my hands on my shorts and watched as Teresa and the others dragged Thomas away. "Oh! And follow us? I will kill you!" Teresa shouted.
"So we're following right?" Minho said pouring the last of his water over my cut. "Hell no!" Frypan said, "you heard the ladies!"
"I'm not just gonna leave him!" Minho shouted. "Minho I don't think Teresa will kill him. She could've killed me right there. She didn't!" I said reassuring him. I was right, if Teresa truly wanted to kill me she would've done it. I know she won't kill Thomas.

I hoped she wouldn't anyway.

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