- Get Out Of My Head! -

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Present day
Readers POV
I sat awake for a while watching the other boys sleep, Teresa had been taken to another room, everyone thought it was because she was a girl. But HELLO?! I'm a girl too and they left me here. Something is going on.

I looked over and saw Newt snoring, above him was Minho and on the other side of me was Thomas. I wondered how the boys could sleep so easily, I can't. My mind is racing. I keep seeing flashes of things I can't explain. I see the woman we saw on the screen in the big room, kneeling in front of me calling me sweetheart, I feel shocks of electricity running through me, I know I was WICKED's test subject and I know they used to test me but that's it, these new visions are haunting me. Not to mention the images of Chuck I have in my head, him being killed by Gally and then me maybe killing Gally, truth was I didn't know if Gally was alive or not, if he was dead that's 11 boys I've caused the death of. Normal people shouldn't have to deal with murdering anyone, it can change you. I have to live with 11 people's blood on my hands. I haven't told Newt what's happening to me, he'd just worry. I'm almost tempted to tell Thomas but I'd need to get him alone, I feel like I can trust him.

I felt a tear trickle down my face as I thought of Chuck. He was like my little brother, I promised I'd get him out the maze and I broke it. I'm pretty sure Thomas was taking it hard too as he was very quiet at the meal earlier. I really need to talk to him.

I led there staring at the bed above me, Frypan was above me. I felt safe being encased in between the boys, not sure what I felt safe from, but i did.

I heard voices in my head, "she needs to die....no....put her in the maze....she can be with Newt....she's only going to get worse...stronger....what happens after the maze?....you got too attached Ava." I squeezed my eyes tight and pushed my hands into my temples. "ARGH!!!" I groaned, my head started to hurt, from the voices or because I was pushing against my head too hard. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I shouted louder than I should've. I felt more tears as my head pain got worse. And then nothing, everything stopped. The voices and the pain. I breathed deeply and felt a surge of relief come over me. "Greenie?" I heard a whisper, I looked over and it was Thomas. I looked around expecting more boys to have woken up but none had. "Sorry if I woke you" I whispered, and swung my legs over the side of the bed. "It's okay, I heard you shout. Is everything ok?" He asked, he got off his bed and sat next to me. "No actually I wanted to tell you because Newt worries too much." Thomas laughed "well tell me whatever you want!" He said. I repositioned myself and so did he so we were facing each other. "That Ava Paige, I keep seeing her. She called me sweetheart. I heard voices, mentioning Newt and the maze and how 'she' will get worse and gas to die..I don't wanna sound morbid but I think the 'she' is Me." I said making a sarcastic smile. "I get it too. Not the sweetheart or I have to die part but I see her and I hear things...mainly wicked is good or everything is going to change" I looked at Thomas. "Why are we the only ones having this happen?" I said putting my head in my hands. Thomas took my hands and pulled them away from my face "hey look at me!" He said sternly, I lifted my head up and met his eyes. "We will get through this together. We can figure this out Y/N I promise..." He stopped and let go of my hands. "I shouldn't make promises" he said sadly. "Thomas, Chuck wasn't your fault, he adored you and that's why he saved your life. You can't blame yourself!" I said putting hands on his shoulders. "Then you can't blame yourself for all those boys getting killed then!" He said pulling me into a hug. I needed a hug, Thomas was turning into my best friend. "Yeah but think is Tommy boy. I killed them with my own hands. You didn't touch Chuck." I whispered. We let go of each other and he went quiet, I smiled and giggled a little. "Go back to sleep Tommy." I said, I saw his eyelids drooping. He got back in his own bed and fell straight to sleep. I smiled at him, he was so much like a child. It was cute.

I led down and stared at Frypans bed once again, a few minutes later I felt a sharp pain in my neck but before I could scream anything it all went black.

Here on out I'm using the scorch trials book as a reference so... It's going to be a long one guys! 😄


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