- Safe Haven My Ass! -

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"Hey greenie?" Newt called from behind me, I stopped and turned around. "Mhmm?" I replied walking towards him, he stopped and put an arm around my waist, his eyes darted downwards "you okay Newt?" I said putting and arm around his neck and stroking the back of his now quite long hair. He lifted his head up and he pulled me closer to him and kissed me. My eyes shot open and I felt butterflies in my stomach, I hadn't felt anything like that in a while but I liked it. I closed me eyes and kissed him back wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. We couldve kept kissing for hours but we were interrupted by Minho. "Uh excuse me! We're here" he said sourly, he never liked it when me and Newt kissed. I let go of Newt and ran to the front of the group.

"What the shuck is this?!" I shouted as I stood in front of what was the 'safe haven'. It was a wooden sign sticking out of the sand with the words 'SAFE HAVEN' carved into it. "My thoughts exactly" Minho said planting his foot next to me. "Um now what do we do?" The girl who I knew as Sonya said. "Oh gee like we're supposed to know shank!" Minho spat. I put my hand on him "Minho stop. Calm down" I said standing in front of him. "Calm down?! Safe haven my ass greenie!! We have been out in this god forsaken place for two weeks!! We get here and this cure is a shucking SIGN!!!" He paced back and forward. I heard a chuckle, I'm pretty sure it was frypan. "Look everyone calm down, we are here early aren't we? Let's just wait, something will happen eventually" Thomas said calmly, I could tell he was still pissed at Teresa though, but then so am I. She was gonna murder him for shucks sake, fake or not.

Everyone was sat on the sand drinking the last gulp of their water from their bottles. I stood with my back to the gladers staring at the wooden sign. "I can't believe it. This can't be it. They wouldn't lie to us would they? Send us out here in the scorch for nothing?" I said as I felt a body next to me, I wasn't sure who it was because my eyes were fixed to the sign. "To be honest, I wouldn't put it past them. This could've been just another test like the maze. In fact I'm 99% sure that's what it is" the person spoke, I knew it was Minho. "Newt needs that cure Minho! Look at him. He's not himself" I felt a tear drop down my cheek. Minho put his hands on my shoulders. "Hey! Newt is going to be fine! I promise, I will make sure he's fine!" He said and he pulled me into a hug. "Shouldn't make promises you can't keep Minho!" Newt a voice came from behind me and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I started crying into Minho's chest. "Newt you shank! Shut up!" Minho Shouted at him "well it's true! I probably do have the flare. I'm sorry yah know!" I pulled away from Minho and ran through the gladers to the top of the sand dune we Walked down and sat again with my back to everyone trying to stop myself from crying.

Sorry for the wait. Had serious writers block. Thank you all for the support with this series and please don't worry about newt. I know how much we all love him. He will be fine I promise :)

I really like this chapter haha.

Thank for all the votes and comments. I love you all so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘

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