- Familiar Faces -

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I opened my eyes to a white ceiling and for a moment I thought that everything I had been through with the maze and the scorch had been a dream. I heard voices around me "Thomas is gonna be okay, drop him back down, open the berg hatch. We're taking her with us!" A woman said, her voice showed she was older. I had two questions going through my mind at this point. 1. What the hell is a berg? And 2. Where are they going to take me. I leaned my head to the side and saw the source of the female voice, it was Dr Ava Paige from the video we saw when we escaped. I sat up quietly and saw Thomas being lowered down out of the hatch, which I can only assume then that what I am in is a berg. "Sweetheart! You're safe now!" Ava said, "we're taking you back to hq with us!"
"like hell you are shank!" I said and I jumped off. I ran towards the door pushing people in white coats out of the way. Why was she calling me sweetheart. I reached the hatch and jumped out of it, just escaping the grasps of some men. I landed on my feet surprisingly and felt super cool. "Greenie!" Newt shouted, and he was on me in an instant. "You got shot. You had no pulse!" He said again, "Tommy got shot in the leg and then this huge ship thing came over and lifted you two up! What happened up there?" He continued. The boys, and Brenda were looking at me expecting an explanation. "Uh that big ship this is called a berg apparently, and I dunno I woke up and that woman from the video, you know the one once we escaped the maze? Yeah well she said she was taking me with her, well I told her like hell she was, she kept calling me sweetheart though which was weird. But anyway I dodged a couple of guys and jumped and now I'm here!" I said gasping for breath. Everyone looked at me astounded. "Well let's get going" Minho said giving me a hand up. "We only have a few days left to get to the safe haven." He continued and he picked up a gun and started walking. We all followed him.

I still couldn't get around why Ava called me sweetheart, she called Thomas, Thomas. I forced my brain to think and it was al it's like an electric shock hit me. Then I had a memory come back and I stopped. I pictured myself on a chair, Ava was in front of me, I wasn't that old maybe 6 or 7 "please mom it hurts!" I remember saying. I see a tear fall down Ava's face and then my mind goes blank. "Greenie?" Newt said walking back towards me, I snapped back to reality. "No she can't be my
Mother, I don't technically gave parents." I said out loud. "I'm sorry what?" Newt said smiling, "oh nothing, come on let's go!" And I grabbed his hand and caught up with the others. The though stuck with me the whole time we were walking. When we finally found shelter I didn't sleep. I couldn't.

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